Title: Real GDP at Constant National Prices for Cambodia Series ID: RGDPNAKHA666NRUG Source: University of Groningen, University of California, Davis Release: Penn World Table 10.01 Seasonal Adjustment: Not Seasonally Adjusted Frequency: Annual Units: Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars Date Range: 1970-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Last Updated: 2021-11-08 1:29 PM CST Notes: Source ID: rgdpna When using these data in your research, please make the following reference: Feenstra, Robert C., Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer (2015), "The Next Generation of the Penn World Table" American Economic Review, 105(10), 3150-3182, available for download at www.ggdc.net/pwt For more information, see http://www.rug.nl/research/ggdc/data/pwt/. DATE VALUE 1970-01-01 11572.15917968750 1971-01-01 10994.04785156250 1972-01-01 10396.32324218750 1973-01-01 8426.83593750000 1974-01-01 7985.86425781250 1975-01-01 7878.09326171875 1976-01-01 7878.09277343750 1977-01-01 6721.87304687500 1978-01-01 6721.87207031250 1979-01-01 5859.55273437500 1980-01-01 5527.40966796875 1981-01-01 5529.68066406250 1982-01-01 5529.68115234375 1983-01-01 5774.83349609375 1984-01-01 6059.65332031250 1985-01-01 6342.64990234375 1986-01-01 6583.72314453125 1987-01-01 8001.29785156250 1988-01-01 9296.95312500000 1989-01-01 9272.89648437500 1990-01-01 9380.47949218750 1991-01-01 10092.14453125000 1992-01-01 10801.61621093750 1993-01-01 11243.57226562500 1994-01-01 12106.55078125000 1995-01-01 12823.48144531250 1996-01-01 13413.38378906250 1997-01-01 14167.18945312500 1998-01-01 14876.82812500000 1999-01-01 16648.62109375000 2000-01-01 18108.28515625000 2001-01-01 19583.75781250000 2002-01-01 20872.18945312500 2003-01-01 22647.57421875000 2004-01-01 24989.50976562500 2005-01-01 28300.59570312500 2006-01-01 31348.85546875000 2007-01-01 34550.38671875000 2008-01-01 36862.35546875000 2009-01-01 36894.37500000000 2010-01-01 39094.35546875000 2011-01-01 41858.17968750000 2012-01-01 44919.41796875000 2013-01-01 48255.96875000000 2014-01-01 51668.37890625000 2015-01-01 55303.88671875000 2016-01-01 59110.16015625000 2017-01-01 63252.04687500000 2018-01-01 68094.16406250000 2019-01-01 72751.43750000000