Federal Reserve Economic Data


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Thousands of Dollars
Name 2022 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Allegany County
3,113,977 3,210,197 3,210,197
Anne Arundel County
46,803,613 45,544,247 45,544,247
Baltimore city
34,085,639 33,715,825 33,715,825
Baltimore County
57,385,048 57,265,072 57,265,072
Calvert County
6,687,927 6,499,411 6,499,411
Caroline County
1,855,197 1,789,708 1,789,708
Carroll County
12,487,826 12,148,929 12,148,929
Cecil County
5,882,013 5,766,801 5,766,801
Charles County
10,706,536 10,481,590 10,481,590
Dorchester County
1,825,208 1,807,019 1,807,019
Frederick County
20,713,005 19,587,024 19,587,024
Garrett County
1,512,498 1,535,160 1,535,160
Harford County
17,803,767 17,422,666 17,422,666
Howard County
29,827,252 29,036,622 29,036,622
Kent County
1,346,895 1,328,548 1,328,548
Montgomery County
98,300,546 96,133,196 96,133,196
Prince George's County
49,958,493 50,984,848 50,984,848
Queen Anne's County
4,129,931 3,966,491 3,966,491
Somerset County
944,518 903,748 903,748
St. Mary's County
7,598,680 7,466,688 7,466,688
Talbot County
3,355,057 3,242,179 3,242,179
Washington County
8,305,634 8,233,095 8,233,095
Wicomico County
4,830,585 4,850,585 4,850,585
Worcester County
3,473,587 3,447,767 3,447,767

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