Federal Reserve Economic Data

Consumer Price Index

Consumer Price Index, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted


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    Jan 1976    
    Jan 2022
Name Period Value Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
OECD Groups
All items non-food non-energy, Total
Jan 2022 110.65780 Index 2015=100 110.52220 Index 2015=100 108.61930 Index 2015=100 Index 2015=100
Total Energy (Fuel, electricity & gasoline)
Jan 2022 18.80111 Growth rate same period previous year 16.80700 Growth rate same period previous year -9.42313 Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Services less housing, Housing excluding imputed rentals for housing
Housing, Housing excluding imputed rentals for housing
Total Services
Total Goods
All items
Jan 2022 111.52040 Index 2015=100 111.11060 Index 2015=100 107.75250 Index 2015=100 Index 2015=100
Total Fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment
Total Food and non-Alcoholic beverages (COICOP 01)
Jan 2022 111.59800 Index 2015=100 111.00560 Index 2015=100 108.08640 Index 2015=100 Index 2015=100
Total Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics (COICOP 02)
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Total Clothing and footwear (COICOP 03)
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Total Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (COICOP 04)
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Maintenance and repairs of the dwellings
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Total Electricity, gas and other fuels
. . Index 2015=100 . Index 2015=100 . Index 2015=100 Index 2015=100
Total Actual rentals for housing
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Total Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Total Furnishings, household equip. and routine household maintenance (COICOP 05)
. . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year . Growth rate same period previous year Growth rate same period previous Yr.
Total Health (COICOP 06)
Transport (COICOP 07)
Total Communication (COICOP 08)
Total Recreation and culture (COICOP 09)
Total Education (COICOP 10)
Total Restaurants and hotels (COICOP 11)
Total Miscellaneous goods and services (COICOP 12)

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