Federal Reserve Economic Data

National Accounts

National Accounts, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted


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    Q1 1995    
    Q3 2023
Name Q3 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2022 Units
GDP by Expenditure
Gross Domestic Product - Total Constant Prices (real)
15,957,892,000.00000 Euro 15,980,824,000.00000 Euro 16,251,458,000.00000 Euro Euro
Government Final Consumption Expenditure
2,951,332,000.00000 Euro 2,916,725,000.00000 Euro 2,866,546,000.00000 Euro Euro
Exports of Goods and Services
32,944,394,000.00000 Euro 32,629,708,000.00000 Euro 33,014,619,000.00000 Euro Euro
Less: Imports of Goods and Services
27,754,026,000.00000 Euro 27,374,216,000.00000 Euro 27,443,582,000.00000 Euro Euro
Private Final Consumption Expenditure
5,358,171,000.00000 Euro 5,361,570,000.00000 Euro 5,205,116,000.00000 Euro Euro
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
2,707,167,000.00000 Euro 2,679,933,000.00000 Euro 2,738,010,000.00000 Euro Euro
Current Prices (nominal)
Exports of Goods and Services
42,608,865,000.00000 Euro 41,956,892,000.00000 Euro 41,424,673,000.00000 Euro Euro
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
3,510,060,000.00000 Euro 3,575,142,000.00000 Euro 3,396,367,000.00000 Euro Euro
less: Imports of Goods and Services
36,299,933,000.00000 Euro 35,262,220,000.00000 Euro 34,525,488,000.00000 Euro Euro
Gross Domestic Product - Total
20,243,529,000.00000 Euro 20,280,246,000.00000 Euro 19,715,804,000.00000 Euro Euro
Changes in inventories and net acquisition of valuables
45,681,000.00000 Euro -241,907,000.00000 Euro 98,633,000.00000 Euro Euro
Government Final Consumption Expenditure
3,832,785,000.00000 Euro 3,730,674,000.00000 Euro 3,423,577,000.00000 Euro Euro
Private Final Consumption Expenditure
6,445,937,000.00000 Euro 6,399,400,000.00000 Euro 6,008,842,000.00000 Euro Euro
National Accounts Deflators
Gross Domestic Product, GDP Deflator
126.85591 Index 2015=100 126.90363 Index 2015=100 121.31714 Index 2015=100 Index 2015=100
Implicit Price Deflator Total Private Consumption Expenditure Deflator
120.30106 Index 2015=100 119.35682 Index 2015=100 115.44107 Index 2015=100 Index 2015=100

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