Federal Reserve Economic Data


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Millions of Dollars
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
line 1
U.S. net international investment position
-19,853,154 -16,263,908 -16,263,908
line 2
Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives
-19,847,700 -16,333,405 -16,333,405
line 3
Financial derivatives other than reserves net
-5,454 69,497 69,497
line 4
U.S. assets
34,399,648 31,440,286 31,440,286
line 5
Assets excluding financial derivatives
32,196,847 28,896,943 28,896,943
line 6
Financial derivatives other than reserves gross positive fair value
2,202,801 2,543,343 2,543,343
By functional category:
line 7
Direct investment at market value
10,606,810 9,150,284 9,150,284
line 8
Portfolio investment
15,334,128 14,024,125 14,024,125
line 9
Financial derivatives other than reserves gross positive fair value
2,202,801 2,543,343 2,543,343
line 10
Other investment
5,478,460 5,015,621 5,015,621
line 11
Reserve assets
777,449 706,914 706,914
line 12
U.S. liabilities
54,252,801 47,704,194 47,704,194
line 13
Liabilities excluding financial derivatives
52,044,546 45,230,348 45,230,348
line 14
Financial derivatives other than reserves gross negative fair value
2,208,255 2,473,846 2,473,846
By functional category:
line 15
Direct investment at market value
14,809,094 12,235,184 12,235,184
line 16
Portfolio investment
28,616,785 24,715,235 24,715,235
line 17
Financial derivatives other than reserves gross negative fair value
2,208,255 2,473,846 2,473,846
line 18
Other investment
8,618,667 8,279,930 8,279,930

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