Federal Reserve Economic Data


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U.S. Dollars
Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Money Income Before Taxes
130,851 122,394 122,394
Wages and Salaries
110,379 101,612 101,612
Self-Employment Income
7,258 6,389 6,389
Social Security, Private & Government Retirement
8,948 10,654 10,654
Interest, Dividends, Rent Income, Property Income
2,965 2,345 2,345
Public Assistance, Supplemental Security Income, SNAP
214 . .
Other Income
181 . .
Unemployment and Workers' Compensation, Veterans' Benefits, and Regular Contributions
906 836 836
Personal Taxes
15,267 11,563 11,563
Federal Income Taxes
11,587 8,016 8,016
State and Local Income Taxes
3,574 3,418 3,418
Other Taxes
106 . .
Income After Taxes
115,584 110,831 110,831

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