Federal Reserve Economic Data


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U.S. Dollars
Name 2012 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Total Average Annual Expenditures
52,414 50,819 50,819
6,970 6,486 6,486
Food at Home
4,150 3,774 3,774
Cereals and Bakery Products
573 528 528
Cereals and Cereal Products
198 170 170
Bakery Products
376 358 358
Meats, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs
914 839 839
255 228 228
177 160 160
Other Meats
122 119 119
179 156 156
Fish and Seafood
128 127 127
53 49 49
Dairy Products
442 424 424
Fresh Milk and Cream
161 163 163
Other Dairy Products
281 261 261
Fruits and Vegetables
735 627 627
Fresh Fruits
250 207 207
Fresh Vegetables
227 184 184
Processed Fruits
113 118 118
Processed Vegetables
145 118 118
Other Food at Home
1,486 1,357 1,357
Sugar and Other Sweets
164 154 154
Fats and Oils
127 104 104
Miscellaneous Foods
723 707 707
Nonalcoholic Beverages
420 347 347
Food Prepared on Out-of-Town Trips
52 43 43
Food Away from Home
2,820 2,712 2,712
Alcoholic Beverages
462 465 465
16,721 16,744 16,744
9,470 9,281 9,281
Owned Dwellings
5,868 5,904 5,904
Mortgage Interest and Charges
3,153 3,080 3,080
Property Taxes
1,674 1,666 1,666
Maintenance, Repairs, Insurance, Other Expenses for Owned Dwelling
1,042 1,158 1,158
Rented Dwellings
3,023 2,945 2,945
Other Lodging
579 432 432
Utilities, Fuels, and Public Services
3,973 3,968 3,968
Natural Gas
346 386 386
1,523 1,519 1,519
Fuel Oil and Other Fuels
133 149 149
Telephone Services
1,430 1,351 1,351
Water and Other Public Services
540 564 564
Household Operations
1,045 1,069 1,069
Personal Services
309 357 357
Other Household Expenses
736 712 712
Housekeeping Supplies
698 692 692
Laundry and Cleaning Supplies
171 168 168
Other Household Products
375 391 391
Postage and Stationery
152 134 134
Household Furnishings and Equipment
1,535 1,734 1,734
Household Textiles
159 92 92
388 396 396
Floor Coverings
14 10 10
Major Appliances
174 255 255
Small Appliances, Miscellaneous Housewares
96 88 88
Miscellaneous Household Equipment
703 893 893
Apparel and Services
1,653 1,686 1,686
Apparel, Men and Boys
375 387 387
Apparel, Men, 16 and Over
291 290 290
Apparel, Boys, 2 to 15
84 97 97
Apparel, Women and Girls
742 693 693
Apparel, Women, 16 and Over
629 557 557
Apparel, Girls, 2 to 15
113 136 136
Apparel, Children Under 2
69 73 73
252 336 336
Other Apparel Products and Services
214 196 196
9,863 8,964 8,964
Vehicle Purchases (Net Outlay)
3,539 3,123 3,123
Vehicle Purchases: Cars and Trucks, New
1,824 1,262 1,262
Vehicle Purchases: Cars and Trucks, Used
1,686 1,779 1,779
Other Vehicle Purchases
29 82 82
Gasoline, Other Fuels, and Motor Oil
3,247 3,021 3,021
Other Vehicle Expenses
2,722 2,466 2,466
Vehicle Finance Charges
328 318 318
Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs
936 859 859
Vehicle Insurance
1,019 884 884
Vehicle Rental, Leases, Licenses, and Other Charges
438 404 404
Public and Other Transportation
354 354 354
3,630 3,449 3,449
Health Insurance
2,086 1,874 1,874
Medical Services
787 876 876
Drugs: Prescription and Nonprescription
582 575 575
Medical Supplies
174 124 124
2,883 2,822 2,822
Entertainment: Fees and Admissions
542 510 510
Audio and Visual Equipment and Services
1,053 994 994
Pets, Toys, and Playground Equipment
879 696 696
Entertainment: Other Supplies, Equipment, and Services
409 622 622
Personal Care Products and Services
665 662 662
115 116 116
1,255 966 966
Tobacco Products and Smoking Supplies
336 386 386
Miscellaneous Expenditures
711 987 987
Cash Contributions
1,583 1,648 1,648
Personal Insurance and Pensions
5,568 5,438 5,438
Life and Other Personal Insurance
284 406 406
Pensions and Social Security
5,285 5,032 5,032

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