Federal Reserve Economic Data

$10,000 to $14,999

Income and Taxes


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U.S. Dollars
Name Period Value Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Money Income Before Taxes
2015 12,705 12,876 12,876
Wages and Salaries
2015 3,344 3,584 3,584
Self-Employment Income
2015 153 137 137
Social Security, Private & Government Retirement
2015 6,839 6,496 6,496
Interest, Dividends, Rent Income, Property Income
2015 100 119 119
Unemployment and Workers' Compensation, Veterans Benefits
. . . .
Public Assistance, Supplemental Security Income, SNAP
2015 1,533 1,279 1,279
Regular Contributions for Support
. . . .
Other Income
2015 496 688 688
Unemployment and Workers' Compensation, Veterans' Benefits, and Regular Contributions
2015 239 573 573
Personal Taxes
2015 -521 -410 -410
Federal Income Taxes
2015 -479 -565 -565
State and Local Income Taxes
2015 -80 -71 -71
Other Taxes
2015 38 226 226
Income After Taxes
2015 13,226 13,286 13,286

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