Federal Reserve Economic Data


L.123 Closed-End Funds


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Millions of Dollars
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
line 1
Total financial assets
253,986 251,477 251,477
line 2
Debt securities
153,754 152,475 152,475
line 3
Treasury securities
2,095 2,353 2,353
line 4
Municipal securities
81,017 81,764 81,764
line 5
Corporate and foreign bonds
70,642 68,358 68,358
line 6
Corporate equities
100,232 99,002 99,002
line 7
Total shares outstanding (liabilities)
253,986 251,477 251,477
Total financial assets by investment objective:
line 8
Domestic equity funds
74,716 74,813 74,813
line 9
World equity funds
25,516 24,189 24,189
line 10
Domestic taxable bond funds
53,916 52,045 52,045
line 11
Municipal bond funds
81,017 81,764 81,764
line 12
World bond funds
18,821 18,666 18,666

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