Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Q1 1947    
    Q4 2024
Index 2017=100
Line Name Q4 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2023
line 1
Gross domestic product
126.229 125.543 123.247
line 2
Personal consumption expenditures
124.443 123.747 121.480
line 3
114.269 114.398 114.807
line 4
Durable goods
105.356 105.266 106.713
line 5
Motor vehicles and parts
125.796 123.816 127.340
line 6
Furnishings and durable household equipment
110.462 110.474 112.842
line 7
Recreational goods and vehicles
84.702 86.000 85.952
line 8
Other durable goods
97.645 97.511 97.257
line 9
Nondurable goods
119.288 119.550 119.339
line 10
Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption
127.683 127.021 125.975
line 11
Clothing and footwear
103.900 104.563 103.205
line 12
Gasoline and other energy goods
133.804 136.844 146.077
line 13
Other nondurable goods
113.664 113.922 112.703
line 14
129.435 128.315 124.680
line 15
Household consumption expenditures (for services)
128.694 127.555 124.029
line 16
Housing and utilities
136.888 135.467 130.728
line 17
Health care
118.652 117.863 115.736
line 18
Transportation services
134.125 131.405 130.035
line 19
Recreation services
127.289 125.997 123.488
line 20
Food services and accommodations
135.454 134.159 131.111
line 21
Financial services and insurance
136.539 134.914 128.078
line 22
Other services
118.899 118.736 115.907
line 23
Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
146.475 145.816 139.650
line 24
Gross output of nonprofit institutions
128.962 128.099 124.514
line 25
Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions
123.012 122.082 119.358
line 26
Gross private domestic investment
122.583 122.128 120.214
line 27
Fixed investment
123.636 123.185 121.164
line 28
115.962 115.554 113.643
line 29
135.095 135.251 135.210
line 30
113.840 113.744 111.531
line 31
Information processing equipment
97.678 97.200 95.509
line 32
Computers and peripheral equipment
102.589 102.113 101.600
line 33
95.741 95.259 92.967
line 34
Industrial equipment
126.113 125.737 122.934
line 35
Transportation equipment
113.893 114.782 111.904
line 36
Other equipment
130.250 130.002 128.233
line 37
Intellectual property products
109.121 108.186 105.686
line 38
92.416 91.858 89.047
line 39
Research and development
123.187 121.764 119.797
line 40
Entertainment, literary, and artistic originals
124.367 124.006 120.841
line 41
150.702 150.081 147.689
line 42 Change in private inventories
line 43 Farm
line 44 Nonfarm
line 45 Net exports of goods and services
line 46
122.126 122.066 120.792
line 47
118.350 118.732 118.726
line 48
129.120 128.194 124.401
line 49
112.404 112.315 111.058
line 50
110.148 110.119 109.149
line 51
122.356 122.006 119.488
line 52
Government consumption expenditures and gross investment
127.717 126.953 124.406
line 53
125.450 124.576 121.899
line 54
National defense
126.940 126.065 123.507
line 55
Consumption expenditures
129.686 128.835 125.973
line 56
Gross investment
117.214 116.266 114.730
line 57
123.533 122.658 119.824
line 58
Consumption expenditures
126.336 125.437 122.209
line 59
Gross investment
116.710 115.894 113.960
line 60
State and local
129.172 128.476 126.006
line 61
Consumption expenditures
127.890 127.153 124.566
line 62
Gross investment
135.551 135.027 133.067

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