Federal Reserve Economic Data


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Index 2017=100
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
line 1
Personal consumption expenditures
120.491 116.111 116.111
line 2
Household consumption expenditures
120.022 115.828 115.828
line 3
Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption
125.334 119.324 119.324
line 4
Food and nonalcoholic beverages purchased for off-premises consumption
127.670 121.181 121.181
line 5
Alcoholic beverages purchased for off-premises consumption
113.355 109.692 109.692
line 6
Food produced and consumed on farms
136.396 143.819 143.819
line 7
Clothing, footwear, and related services
104.411 101.627 101.627
line 8
103.964 100.524 100.524
line 9
102.449 99.267 99.267
line 10
Women's and girls' clothing
98.416 95.502 95.502
line 11
Men's and boys' clothing
107.998 104.458 104.458
line 12
Children's and infants' clothing
109.786 105.963 105.963
line 13
Other clothing materials
113.280 109.342 109.342
line 14
Cleaning, repair, and rental of clothing
133.926 124.587 124.587
line 15
Laundry and dry cleaning services
132.064 124.444 124.444
line 16
Clothing repair, rental, and alterations
137.979 124.843 124.843
line 17
106.065 105.790 105.790
line 18
Housing, utilities, and fuels
128.500 120.353 120.353
line 19
128.362 119.342 119.342
line 20
Rental of tenant-occupied nonfarm housing
129.700 120.155 120.155
line 21
Imputed rental of owner-occupied nonfarm housing
127.919 119.032 119.032
line 22
Rental value of farm dwellings
131.039 124.168 124.168
line 23
Group housing
129.687 120.137 120.137
line 24
Household utilities and fuels
129.595 126.852 126.852
line 25
Water supply and sanitation
125.896 119.340 119.340
line 26
Electricity, gas, and other fuels
130.832 129.575 129.575
line 27
126.652 119.648 119.648
line 28
Natural gas
134.338 144.831 144.831
line 29
Fuel oil and other fuels
158.743 185.094 185.094
line 30
Furnishings, household equipment, and routine household maintenance
118.197 116.958 116.958
line 31
Furniture, furnishings, and floor coverings
116.865 117.391 117.391
line 32
Household textiles
99.886 100.604 100.604
line 33
Household appliances
121.261 128.174 128.174
line 34
Glassware, tableware, and household utensils
94.805 96.310 96.310
line 35
Tools and equipment for house and garden
126.254 118.190 118.190
line 36
Other household goods and services
131.360 124.136 124.136
line 37
113.119 110.239 110.239
line 38
Medical products, appliances, and equipment
106.858 102.978 102.978
line 39
Pharmaceutical and other medical products
106.542 102.813 102.813
line 40
Pharmaceutical products
106.494 102.821 102.821
line 41
Other medical products
109.737 101.834 101.834
line 42
Therapeutic appliances and equipment
108.965 104.031 104.031
line 43
Outpatient services
110.532 108.909 108.909
line 44
Physician services
107.911 107.352 107.352
line 45
Dental services
121.521 115.043 115.043
line 46
Paramedical services
110.769 109.127 109.127
line 47
Home health care
118.447 113.469 113.469
line 48
Medical laboratories
98.005 97.491 97.491
line 49
Other professional medical services
109.349 109.086 109.086
line 50
Hospital and nursing home services
118.315 114.759 114.759
line 51
117.410 114.370 114.370
line 52
Nursing homes
123.830 116.928 116.928
line 53
132.395 132.809 132.809
line 54
Motor vehicles
128.172 128.680 128.680
line 55
New motor vehicles
121.878 117.341 117.341
line 56
Net purchases of used motor vehicles
138.608 149.266 149.266
line 57
Motor vehicle operation
138.052 139.957 139.957
line 58
Motor vehicle parts and accessories
125.502 121.727 121.727
line 59
Motor vehicle fuels, lubricants, and fluids
146.540 162.688 162.688
line 60
Motor vehicle maintenance and repair
136.601 122.426 122.426
line 61
Other motor vehicle services
129.132 123.455 123.455
line 62
Public transportation
116.797 112.217 112.217
line 63
Ground transportation
105.796 104.437 104.437
line 64
Air transportation
121.214 114.931 114.931
line 65
Water transportation
102.650 100.724 100.724
line 66
85.916 87.287 87.287
line 67
Telephone and facsimile equipment
43.408 49.638 49.638
line 68
Postal and delivery services
135.776 128.059 128.059
line 69
First-class postal service by U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
126.207 120.849 120.849
line 70
Other delivery services (by non-USPS facilities)
141.800 132.545 132.545
line 71
Telecommunication services
82.864 85.406 85.406
line 72
Internet access
106.500 102.638 102.638
line 73
105.700 103.968 103.968
line 74
Video and audio equipment, computers, and related services
87.025 89.037 89.037
line 75
Video and audio equipment
70.522 73.200 73.200
line 76
Information processing equipment
75.696 80.303 80.303
line 77
Services related to video and audio goods and computers
120.122 114.375 114.375
line 78
Sports and recreational goods and related services
102.027 101.937 101.937
line 79
Sports and recreational vehicles
116.857 115.906 115.906
line 80
Other sporting and recreational goods
96.627 96.763 96.763
line 81
Maintenance and repair of recreational vehicles and sports equipment
114.393 114.940 114.940
line 82
Membership clubs, sports centers, parks, theaters, and museums
117.058 110.996 110.996
line 83
Membership clubs and participant sports centers
116.508 111.968 111.968
line 84
Amusements parks, campgrounds, and related recreational services
117.861 111.641 111.641
line 85
Admissions to specified spectator amusements
115.627 108.670 108.670
line 86
Motion picture theaters
121.820 115.147 115.147
line 87
Live entertainment, excluding sports
121.836 115.375 115.375
line 88
Spectator sports
106.976 99.389 99.389
line 89
Museums and libraries
121.830 115.291 115.291
line 90
Magazines, newspapers, books, and stationery
122.834 120.197 120.197
line 91
124.316 119.406 119.406
line 92
Pets, pet products, and related services
127.007 117.581 117.581
line 93
Photographic goods and services
112.481 104.278 104.278
line 94
Package tours
117.881 111.745 111.745
line 95
112.948 110.360 110.360
line 96
Educational books
101.706 103.362 103.362
line 97
Higher education
111.941 109.827 109.827
line 98
Nursery, elementary, and secondary schools
121.594 116.051 116.051
line 99
Commercial and vocational schools
110.485 108.300 108.300
line 100
Food services and accommodations
129.505 121.943 121.943
line 101
Food services
131.498 123.423 123.423
line 102
Purchased meals and beverages
131.562 123.467 123.467
line 103
Food furnished to employees (including military)
129.575 122.166 122.166
line 104
118.221 113.521 113.521
line 105
Financial services and insurance
126.914 122.127 122.127
line 106
Financial services
133.893 129.692 129.692
line 107
Financial services furnished without payment
149.119 141.369 141.369
line 108
Financial service charges, fees, and commissions
119.893 118.982 118.982
line 109
115.711 109.997 109.997
line 110
Life insurance
120.406 112.864 112.864
line 111
Net household insurance
114.621 108.919 108.919
line 112
Net health insurance
112.066 109.375 109.375
line 113
Medical care and hospitalization
117.585 114.306 114.306
line 114
Income loss
124.312 119.496 119.496
line 115
Workers' compensation
83.576 83.698 83.698
line 116
Net motor vehicle and other transportation insurance
120.528 108.815 108.815
line 117
Other goods and services
124.321 116.769 116.769
line 118
Personal care
120.956 112.894 112.894
line 119
Personal items
111.326 106.168 106.168
line 120
Social services and religious activities
126.510 120.292 120.292
line 121
Professional and other services
124.900 115.730 115.730
line 122
Legal services
124.833 115.277 115.277
line 123
Accounting and other business services
130.629 119.392 119.392
line 124
Labor organization dues
122.236 117.395 117.395
line 125
Professional association dues
124.862 115.240 115.240
line 126
Funeral and burial services
116.534 110.590 110.590
line 127
140.327 131.728 131.728
line 128 Net foreign travel and expenditures abroad by U.S. residents
line 129
Foreign travel by U.S. residents
103.911 102.116 102.116
line 130
Less: Expenditures in the United States by nonresidents
117.809 114.453 114.453
line 131 Net expenditures abroad by U.S. residents
line 132
Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
136.976 125.846 125.846
line 133
Gross output of nonprofit institutions
122.789 117.351 117.351
line 134
Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions
117.934 114.416 114.416

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