Federal Reserve Economic Data

Trading Real Estate Investment Trusts (Questions 11-16)

13) To the extent that the price or nonprice terms applied to trading reits have tightened or eased over the past three months (as reflected in your responses to questions 11 and 12), what are the most important reasons for the change?


Please select a date range

    Q1 2012    
    Q4 2024
Number of Respondents
Name Q4 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2023
A. Possible reasons for tightening
1. Deterioration in current or expected financial strength of counterparties
First in Importance
1 1 2
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
2. Reduced willingness of your institution to take on risk
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 1
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
3. Adoption of more-stringent market conventions (that is, collateral terms and agreements, ISDA protocols)
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
4. Higher internal treasury charges for funding
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
1 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 1 0
5. Diminished availability of balance sheet or capital at your institution
First in Importance
2 1 0
2nd Most Important
0 1 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
6. Worsening in general market liquidity and functioning
First in Importance
0 1 0
2nd Most Important
1 1 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
7. Less-aggressive competition from other institutions
First in Importance
1 1 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
B. Possible reasons for easing
1. Improvement in current or expected financial strength of counterparties
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
2. Increased willingness of your institution to take on risk
First in Importance
1 1 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
3. Adoption of less-stringent market conventions (that is, collateral terms and agreements, ISDA protocols)
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
1 1 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
4. Lower internal treasury charges for funding
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
5. Increased availability of balance sheet or capital at your institution
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
6. Improvement in general market liquidity and functioning
First in Importance
0 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0
7. More-aggressive competition from other institutions
First in Importance
1 0 0
2nd Most Important
0 0 0
3rd Most Important
0 0 0

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