The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Pets and Related Products; Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes pets, pet foods, veterinary and grooming products for pets, collars, leashes, kennels, birdcages, fish tanks, cat litter, etc.; veterinary and other services for pets such as grooming, boarding, tattooing, and training. This category excludes horses and ponies (07.1.4) or (09.2.1). This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Other Recreational Items and Equipment, Gardens and Pets (09.3) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016,
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category, "Other Recreational Items and Equipment, Gardens and Pets (09.3)" is a classification of nondurable and semi-durable goods. The category, Other Recreational Items and Equipment, Gardens and Pets (09.3), contains Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flower (09.3.3), and Pets and Related Products including Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5). This category is a subcategory of Recreation and Culture (09) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016,