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  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2023 to 2028 (Oct 12)

    This is a projection of the series General Government Gross Debt for France (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GGGDTAFRA188N). Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 (GFSM 2001) system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). Copyright © 2016, International Monetary Fund. Reprinted with permission. Complete terms of use and contact details are available at http://www.imf.org/external/terms.htm.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2023 to 2028 (Oct 12)

    This is a projection of the series General government net lending/borrowing for France (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GGNLBAFRA188N). Net lending (+)/ borrowing (-) is calculated as revenue minus total expenditure. This is a core Government Finance Statistics (GFS) balance that measures the extent to which general government is either putting financial resources at the disposal of other sectors in the economy and nonresidents (net lending), or utilizing the financial resources generated by other sectors and nonresidents (net borrowing). This balance may be viewed as an indicator of the financial impact of general government activity on the rest of the economy and nonresidents (Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 (GFSM 2001), paragraph 4.17). Note: Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) is also equal to net acquisition of financial assets minus net incurrence of liabilities. Copyright © 2016, International Monetary Fund. Reprinted with permission. Complete terms of use and contact details are available at http://www.imf.org/external/terms.htm.

  • Index, Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted Feb 1960 to Nov 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: RS UNIT_MEASURE: IX ACTIVITY: _Z ADJUSTMENT: NOR TRANSFORMATION: IX TIME_HORIZ: _Z METHODOLOGY: H FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).

  • Index, Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted Feb 1960 to Nov 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: RS UNIT_MEASURE: IX ACTIVITY: _Z ADJUSTMENT: RT TRANSFORMATION: IX TIME_HORIZ: _Z METHODOLOGY: H FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).

  • Index, Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted Feb 1960 to Nov 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: RS UNIT_MEASURE: IX ACTIVITY: _Z ADJUSTMENT: T TRANSFORMATION: IX TIME_HORIZ: _Z METHODOLOGY: H FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).

  • Millions of Chained 2010 Euros, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CLV10_MNAC Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Euros, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CP_MNAC Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Euros, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CP_MNAC Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Chained 2010 Euros, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CLV10_MNAC Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Chained 2010 Euros, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CLV10_MEUR Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Euro/ECU series is expressed in euro from January 1, 1999 till present. Prior to December 31, 1998, synthetic exchange rate of the national currency to European Community Unit (ECU) is used to adjust for market exchange rate movements. Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Chained 2010 Euros, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CLV10_MEUR Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Euro/ECU series is expressed in euro from January 1, 1999 till present. Prior to December 31, 1998, synthetic exchange rate of the national currency to European Community Unit (ECU) is used to adjust for market exchange rate movements. Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Euros, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CP_MEUR Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Euro/ECU series is expressed in euro from January 1, 1999 till present. Prior to December 31, 1998, synthetic exchange rate of the national currency to European Community Unit (ECU) is used to adjust for market exchange rate movements. Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Millions of Euros, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1975 to Q4 2023 (Mar 8)

    Eurostat unit ID: CP_MEUR Eurostat item ID: B1GQ Eurostat country ID: FR Euro/ECU series is expressed in euro from January 1, 1999 till present. Prior to December 31, 1998, synthetic exchange rate of the national currency to European Community Unit (ECU) is used to adjust for market exchange rate movements. Copyright, European Union, http://ec.europa.eu, 1995-2016. Complete terms of use are available at https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm (https://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm).

  • Domestic Currency, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q4 2023 (Mar 25)

  • Domestic Currency, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q4 2023 (Mar 25)

  • Domestic Currency, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q4 2023 (Mar 25)

  • Domestic Currency, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q4 2023 (Mar 25)

  • Index, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q4 2023 (Mar 25)

  • Growth rate previous period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q2 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP06 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP03 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate previous period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q2 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP01 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP02 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate previous period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q2 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP04 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP04 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP07 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate previous period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q2 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP02 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate previous period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q2 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP07 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP06 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate previous period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q2 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP03 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: B1GQ_Q UNIT_MEASURE: GR ACTIVITY: _T ADJUSTMENT: Y TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: Q All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).

  • Chained 2010 Euros, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q4 2023 (3 days ago)

    Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission. All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (2010), OECD National Accounts Statistics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/na-data-en, (accessed on date)

  • Growth rate same period previous year, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1961 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: RS UNIT_MEASURE: IX ACTIVITY: _Z ADJUSTMENT: Y TRANSFORMATION: GY TIME_HORIZ: _Z METHODOLOGY: N FREQ: Q All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q4 2023 (Apr 10)

    OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: RS UNIT_MEASURE: IX ACTIVITY: _Z ADJUSTMENT: Y TRANSFORMATION: IX TIME_HORIZ: _Z METHODOLOGY: N FREQ: Q All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP01 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP03 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP01 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP02 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP07 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP03 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP02 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP06 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP04 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP07 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP06 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP03 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAGIGP01 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP06 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP04 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP01 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP02 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Euro, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q3 2023 (Feb 9)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXCP05 OECD unit ID: EUR OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP04 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Index 2015=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1960 to Q3 2023 (Dec 12)

    OECD Descriptor ID: NAEXKP07 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: FRA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1977 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:N:A:M:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. Unless otherwise specified, series values are market values. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1998 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:G:A:M:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. Unless otherwise specified, series values are market values. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1969 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:P:B:M:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. Unless otherwise specified, series values are market values. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1977 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:H:A:M:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. Unless otherwise specified, series values are market values. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2000 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:G:A:N:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1998 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:C:A:M:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. Unless otherwise specified, series values are market values. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

  • Percentage of GDP, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1969 to Q3 2023 (Mar 7)

    Credit is provided by domestic banks, all other sectors of the economy and non-residents. The "private non-financial sector" includes non-financial corporations (both private-owned and public-owned), households and non-profit institutions serving households as defined in the System of National Accounts 2008. The series have quarterly frequency and capture the outstanding amount of credit at the end of the reference quarter. In terms of financial instruments, credit covers loans and debt securities.(1) The combination of different sources and data from various methodological frameworks resulted in breaks in the series. The BIS is therefore, in addition, publishing a second set of series adjusted for breaks, which covers the same time span as the unadjusted series. The break-adjusted series are the result of the BIS's own calculations, and were obtained by adjusting levels through standard statistical techniques described in the special feature on the long credit series of the March 2013 issue of the BIS Quarterly Review at https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1303h.htm. (1) Source Code: Q:FR:P:A:M:770:A (1) Bank for International Settlements. "Long series on credit to private non-financial ://www.bis.org/statistics/credtopriv.htm Copyright, 2016, Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Terms and conditions of use are available at http://www.bis.org/terms_conditions.htm#Copyright_and_Permissions. Unless otherwise specified, series values are market values. For information specifying what comprises G20, Advanced Economies, Emerging Market Economies, and All Reporting Economies, visit https://www.bis.org/statistics/totcredit/tables_f.pdf

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