Federal Reserve Economic Data: Your trusted data source since 1991

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    View economic output, reported as the nominal value of all new goods and services produced by labor and property located in the U.S.

  • Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    View the annual rate of economic output, or the inflation-adjusted value of all new goods and services produced by labor and property located in the U.S.

  • Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A939RX For more information about this series, please visit the Bureau of Economic Analysis (http://www.bea.gov/national/).

  • Percent of GDP, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1966 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    View the ratio of federal debt to the economic output of the U.S., which can indicate economic health and the sustainability of government borrowing.

  • Percent Change from Preceding Period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q4 2023 (Feb 28)

    BEA Account Code: A191RI For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1939 to 2023 (Mar 28)

    Gross Federal Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (GFDGDPA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GFDGDPA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Gross Federal Debt (FYGFD) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFD) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): GFDGDPA188S = (FYGFD/GDPA)*100

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1929 to 2023 (Mar 28)

    Federal Surplus or Deficit [-] as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYFSGDA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in October 2012. It is calculated using Federal Surplus or Deficit [-] (FYFSD) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSD) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): FYFSGDA188S = ((FYFSD/1000)/GDPA)*100 FYFSD/1000 transforms FYFSD from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1929 to 2023 (Mar 28)

    Federal Net Outlays as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYONGDA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYONGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Federal Net Outlays (FYONET) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYONET) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): FYONGDA188S = ((FYONET/1000)/GDPA)*100 FYONET/1000 transforms FYONET from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

  • Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: LB000009 The arithmetic average of gross domestic product and of gross domestic income, deflated by the implicit price deflator for GDP. A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Feb 28)

    BEA Account Code: A006RE For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1929 to 2023 (Mar 28)

    Federal Receipts as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYFRGDA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFRGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Federal Receipts (FYFR) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFR) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): FYFRGDA188S = ((FYFR/1000)/GDPA)*100 FYFR/1000 transforms FYFR from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1940 to 2023 (Mar 28)

    Federal Outlays: Interest as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYOIGDA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYOIGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Federal Outlays: Interest (FYOINT) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYOINT) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): FYOIGDA188S = ((FYOINT/1000)/GDPA)*100 FYOINT/1000 transforms FYOINT from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: DPCERE For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A939RC For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percentage Points, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    Value added represents the sum of the costs-incurred and the incomes-earned in production, and consists of compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports, less subsidies, and gross operating surplus.

  • Percent of GDP, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1970 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYGFGDQ188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFGDQ188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in October 2012. It is calculated using Federal Debt Held by the Public (FYGFDPUN) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFDPUN) and Gross Domestic Product, 1 Decimal (GDP) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP): FYGFGDQ188S = ((FYGFDPUN/1000)/GDP)*100 FYGFDPUN/1000 transforms FYGFDPUN from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

  • Millions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Millions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Index 2017=100, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1929 to 2023 (Feb 28)

    BEA Account Code: A191RD For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Jan 25)

    BEA Account Code: A822RE For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2018 to Q3 2023 (Mar 28)

    Value added represents the sum of the costs-incurred and the incomes-earned in production, and consists of compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports, less subsidies, and gross operating surplus.

  • Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Millions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Index 2017=100, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A191RG A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A006RC A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf) (NIPA)

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Percentage Points at Annual Rate, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: DPCERY For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percentage Points at Annual Rate, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A014RY For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    Gross domestic income is an alternative way of measuring the nation's economy, by counting the incomes earned and costs incurred in production. In theory, GDI should equal gross domestic product, but the different source data yield different results. The difference between the two measures is known as the "statistical discrepancy." BEA considers GDP more reliable because it's based on timelier, more expansive data. BEA Account Code: A261RX For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A006RX A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A261RC Gross domestic income is an alternative way of measuring the nation's economy, by counting the incomes earned and costs incurred in production. In theory, GDI should equal gross domestic product, but the different source data yield different results. The difference between the two measures is known as the "statistical discrepancy." BEA considers GDP more reliable because it's based on timelier, more expansive data.

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A001RC A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)

  • Millions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1939 to 2023 (Mar 28)

    Gross Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYPUGDA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYPUGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Gross Federal Debt (FYGFDPUB) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFDPUB) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): FYPUGDA188S = (FYGFDPUB/GDPA)*100

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Jan 25)

    BEA Account Code: A019RE For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: Y694RC For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2018 to Q3 2023 (Mar 28)

    Value added represents the sum of the costs-incurred and the incomes-earned in production, and consists of compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports, less subsidies, and gross operating surplus.

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Jan 25)

    BEA Account Code: A091RC For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Percentage Points at Annual Rate, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A822RY For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent Change from Preceding Period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A261RL For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Real GDP by metropolitan area is an inflation-adjusted measure of each metropolitan area's gross product that is based on national prices for the goods and services produced within the metropolitan area. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: W013RC A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)

  • Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: A071RC A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)

  • Millions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Mar 28)

    BEA Account Code: W006RC Visit the BEA (http://www.bea.gov/national/) for more information about this series.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Millions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 (Mar 29)

    Information about this release can be found here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state). For information about BEA industries and other regional definitions, visit their Regional Economic Accounts: Regional Definitions website (https://apps.bea.gov/regional/definitions/).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1947 to Q4 2023 (Jan 25)

    BEA Account Code: A824RE For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

  • Millions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2017 to 2022 (Dec 18)

    The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_metro/gdp_metro_newsrelease.htm.

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