Federal Reserve Economic Data: Your trusted data source since 1991


F.119 Federal Government Employee Retirement Funds


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Millions of Dollars
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
line 1
Net acquisition of financial assets
89,967 72,354 72,354
line 2
Checkable deposits and currency
189 -634 -634
line 3
Debt securities
1,786 -3,083 -3,083
line 4
Treasury securities
1,104 -1,928 -1,928
line 5
Agency- and GSE-backed securities
518 -1,188 -1,188
line 6
Municipal securities
-4 -4 -4
line 7
Corporate and foreign bonds
168 37 37
line 8
Corporate equities
11,407 -6,183 -6,183
line 9
Loans (other loans and advances)
0 0 0
line 10
Claims of pension fund on sponsor (misc. assets)
-177,544 -163,336 -163,336
line 11
Net increase in pension entitlements (liabilities)
89,967 72,354 72,354
Net acquisition of financial assets
line 12
Defined benefit plans
73,983 72,020 72,020
line 13
Defined contibution plans
15,984 334 334

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