Federal Reserve Economic Data

Table Data - Total Trading Assets for Commercial Banks in Florida (DISCONTINUED)

Title Total Trading Assets for Commercial Banks in Florida (DISCONTINUED)
Source Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (US), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Release Reports of Condition and Income for All Insured U.S. Commercial Banks
Seasonal Adjustment Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency Quarterly
Units Thousands of Dollars
Date Range 1994-01-01 to 2020-07-01
Last Updated 2020-12-10 3:03 PM CST
Notes This series is discontinued and will no longer be updated. Additional consolidated data is available on the FDIC's Bank Data and Statistics.

This series represents Total Trading Assets call item RCFD3545.

Geographic location is determined by Abbreviated State Name call item RSSD9200 = 'FL' representing two character state abbreviation of Florida.

Users are advised to use the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' data dictionary to retrieve detailed information for specific call items.

This series is calculated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis using raw data that are collected by the FFIEC. Raw data can be found at https://cdr.ffiec.gov/public/.
1994-01-01 26085
1994-04-01 36735
1994-07-01 25820
1994-10-01 26619
1995-01-01 38111
1995-04-01 57068
1995-07-01 42104
1995-10-01 14639
1996-01-01 17010
1996-04-01 44906
1996-07-01 26739
1996-10-01 30873
1997-01-01 26228
1997-04-01 25165
1997-07-01 28387
1997-10-01 56562
1998-01-01 42948
1998-04-01 62278
1998-07-01 37574
1998-10-01 59047
1999-01-01 85898
1999-04-01 11841
1999-07-01 40850
1999-10-01 50760
2000-01-01 38673
2000-04-01 37366
2000-07-01 37082
2000-10-01 24578
2001-01-01 47905
2001-04-01 24896
2001-07-01 24408
2001-10-01 60109
2002-01-01 67040
2002-04-01 51491
2002-07-01 42813
2002-10-01 30428
2003-01-01 82280
2003-04-01 26784
2003-07-01 32430
2003-10-01 13995
2004-01-01 16318
2004-04-01 13079
2004-07-01 6577
2004-10-01 259
2005-01-01 15016
2005-04-01 30899
2005-07-01 5009
2005-10-01 67560
2006-01-01 42151
2006-04-01 135785
2006-07-01 117896
2006-10-01 156548
2007-01-01 383687
2007-04-01 147151
2007-07-01 322840
2007-10-01 189447
2008-01-01 531625
2008-04-01 309568
2008-07-01 443306
2008-10-01 34478
2009-01-01 10692
2009-04-01 9154
2009-07-01 12931
2009-10-01 10916
2010-01-01 13903
2010-04-01 9035
2010-07-01 9784
2010-10-01 11568
2011-01-01 18033
2011-04-01 27549
2011-07-01 32935
2011-10-01 29658
2012-01-01 60808
2012-04-01 25480
2012-07-01 28715
2012-10-01 45458
2013-01-01 45028
2013-04-01 36792
2013-07-01 23913
2013-10-01 59272
2014-01-01 85325
2014-04-01 64688
2014-07-01 77736
2014-10-01 72922
2015-01-01 69183
2015-04-01 82557
2015-07-01 81581
2015-10-01 48317
2016-01-01 73596
2016-04-01 92377
2016-07-01 83351
2016-10-01 58495
2017-01-01 40632
2017-04-01 43903
2017-07-01 49131
2017-10-01 104147
2018-01-01 111738
2018-04-01 149994
2018-07-01 150479
2018-10-01 154593
2019-01-01 191423
2019-04-01 327904
2019-07-01 504912
2019-10-01 412373
2020-01-01 1121642
2020-04-01 1273009
2020-07-01 1202864

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