Federal Reserve Economic Data

API Keys | Terms of Use



Get the related FRED tags for one or more FRED tags. Optionally, filter results by tag group or search.

FRED tags are attributes assigned to series. Related FRED tags are the tags assigned to series that match all tags in the tag_names parameter and no tags in the exclude_tag_names parameter. See the related request fred/tags.


This request can return either XML or JSON by setting the file_type parameter to xml or json. Note that the default value of file_type is xml. The API key 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456' is for demonstration purposes only. Use a registered API key instead.


Request (HTTPS GET)



<tags realtime_start="2013-08-14" realtime_end="2013-08-14" order_by="series_count" sort_order="desc" count="13" offset="0" limit="1000">
    <tag name="nation" group_id="geot" notes="Country Level" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="100" series_count="12"/>
    <tag name="usa" group_id="geo" notes="United States of America" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="100" series_count="12"/>
    <tag name="frb" group_id="src" notes="Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="90" series_count="10"/>
    <tag name="nsa" group_id="seas" notes="Not seasonally adjusted" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="96" series_count="6"/>
    <tag name="sa" group_id="seas" notes="Seasonally adjusted" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="94" series_count="6"/>
    <tag name="m1" group_id="gen" notes="M1 Money Stock" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="71" series_count="4"/>
    <tag name="m2" group_id="gen" notes="M2 Money Stock" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="75" series_count="4"/>
    <tag name="currency" group_id="gen" notes="" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="74" series_count="2"/>
    <tag name="discontinued" group_id="gen" notes="" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="68" series_count="2"/>
    <tag name="frb stl" group_id="src" notes="Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (source)" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="81" series_count="2"/>
    <tag name="h6" group_id="rls" notes="H.6 Money Stock Measures" created="2012-08-16 15:21:17-05" popularity="41" series_count="2"/>
    <tag name="m3" group_id="gen" notes="M3 Money Stock" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="50" series_count="2"/>
    <tag name="mzm" group_id="gen" notes="MZM Money Stock" created="2012-02-27 10:18:19-06" popularity="61" series_count="2"/>


Request (HTTPS GET)



    "realtime_start": "2013-08-14",
    "realtime_end": "2013-08-14",
    "order_by": "series_count",
    "sort_order": "desc",
    "count": 13,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 1000,
    "tags": [
            "name": "nation",
            "group_id": "geot",
            "notes": "Country Level",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 100,
            "series_count": 12
            "name": "usa",
            "group_id": "geo",
            "notes": "United States of America",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 100,
            "series_count": 12
            "name": "frb",
            "group_id": "src",
            "notes": "Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 90,
            "series_count": 10
            "name": "nsa",
            "group_id": "seas",
            "notes": "Not seasonally adjusted",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 96,
            "series_count": 6
            "name": "sa",
            "group_id": "seas",
            "notes": "Seasonally adjusted",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 94,
            "series_count": 6
            "name": "m1",
            "group_id": "gen",
            "notes": "M1 Money Stock",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 71,
            "series_count": 4
            "name": "m2",
            "group_id": "gen",
            "notes": "M2 Money Stock",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 75,
            "series_count": 4
            "name": "currency",
            "group_id": "gen",
            "notes": "",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 74,
            "series_count": 2
            "name": "discontinued",
            "group_id": "gen",
            "notes": "",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 68,
            "series_count": 2
            "name": "frb stl",
            "group_id": "src",
            "notes": "Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (source)",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 81,
            "series_count": 2
            "name": "h6",
            "group_id": "rls",
            "notes": "H.6 Money Stock Measures",
            "created": "2012-08-16 15:21:17-05",
            "popularity": 41,
            "series_count": 2
            "name": "m3",
            "group_id": "gen",
            "notes": "M3 Money Stock",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 50,
            "series_count": 2
            "name": "mzm",
            "group_id": "gen",
            "notes": "MZM Money Stock",
            "created": "2012-02-27 10:18:19-06",
            "popularity": 61,
            "series_count": 2



Read API Keys for more information.

  • 32 character alpha-numeric lowercase string, required


A key or file extension that indicates the type of file to send.

  • string, optional, default: xml
  • One of the following values: 'xml', 'json'

    xml = Extensible Markup Language. The HTTP Content-Type is text/xml.
    json = JavaScript Object Notation. The HTTP Content-Type is application/json.


The start of the real-time period. For more information, see Real-Time Periods.

  • YYYY-MM-DD formatted string, optional, default: today's date


The end of the real-time period. For more information, see Real-Time Periods.

  • YYYY-MM-DD formatted string, optional, default: today's date


A semicolon delimited list of tag names that series match all of. See the related request fred/tags.

  • String, required, no default value.
  • Example value: 'monetary+aggregates;weekly'. Find the related tags for series having both tags 'monetary aggregates' and 'weekly'. The '+' in 'monetary+aggregates;weekly' is an URL encoded space character.


A semicolon delimited list of tag names that series match none of.

  • String, optional, no default value.
  • Example value: 'discontinued;currency'. Find the related tags for series having neither tag 'discontinued' nor tag 'currency'.


A tag group id to filter tags by type.

  • String, optional, no filtering by tag group by default.
  • One of the following: 'freq', 'gen', 'geo', 'geot', 'rls', 'seas', 'src'.

    freq = Frequency
    gen = General or Concept
    geo = Geography
    geot = Geography Type
    rls = Release
    seas = Seasonal Adjustment
    src = Source


The words to find matching tags with.

  • String, optional, no filtering by search words by default.


The maximum number of results to return.

  • integer between 1 and 1000, optional, default: 1000


  • non-negative integer, optional, default: 0


Order results by values of the specified attribute.

  • One of the following strings: 'series_count', 'popularity', 'created', 'name', 'group_id'.
  • optional, default: series_count


Sort results is ascending or descending order for attribute values specified by order_by.

  • One of the following strings: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • optional, default: asc

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