Federal Reserve Economic Data


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Billions of Dollars
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Current receipts
line 1
Budget receipts
4,439.362 4,896.203 4,896.203
line 2
Less: Coverage differences
48.059 46.242 46.242
line 3
Contributions received by federal employee pension and insurance funds
6.904 6.294 6.294
line 4
Capital transfers received
33.516 32.391 32.391
line 5
Financial transactions
0.000 0.000 0.000
line 6
7.639 7.557 7.557
line 7
Less: Netting and grossing differences
-311.750 -367.292 -367.292
line 8
Supplementary medical insurance premiums
-142.098 -137.202 -137.202
line 9
Interest receipts
-21.746 -15.269 -15.269
line 10
Current surplus of government enterprises
0.629 -5.865 -5.865
line 11
-148.535 -208.957 -208.957
line 12
Plus: Timing differences
176.837 -168.378 -168.378
line 13
Taxes on corporate income
19.224 -37.029 -37.029
line 14
Federal and state unemployment insurance taxes
-5.565 -21.590 -21.590
line 15
Withheld personal income tax and social security contributions
162.285 -115.025 -115.025
line 16
Excise taxes
11.345 4.167 4.167
line 17
-10.453 1.098 1.098
line 18
Equals: Federal government current receipts NIPAs
4,879.890 5,048.876 5,048.876
Current expenditures
line 19
Budget outlays
6,133.690 6,272.316 6,272.316
line 20
Less: Coverage differences
181.148 359.022 359.022
line 21
Federal employee pension and insurance fund transactions
-69.103 -86.863 -86.863
line 22
Interest accrued
-164.919 -174.124 -174.124
line 23
Contributions accrued (employer)
-102.307 -96.740 -96.740
line 24
Benefits paid
197.760 183.660 183.660
line 25
Administrative expenses
0.363 0.341 0.341
line 26
Financing disbursements from credit programs
-27.103 -322.482 -322.482
line 27
Other differences in funds covered
8.646 8.341 8.341
line 28
Net investment
76.342 59.983 59.983
line 29
Capital transfers paid
270.681 214.870 214.870
line 30
Financial transactions
-51.192 614.355 614.355
line 31
Loan disbursements less loan repayments and sales
-143.382 613.144 613.144
line 32
Deposit insurance
102.548 -0.448 -0.448
line 33
Net purchases of foreign currency
0.000 0.000 0.000
line 34
-10.358 1.659 1.659
line 35
Net purchases of nonproduced assets
-0.956 -107.982 -107.982
line 36
-26.168 -21.198 -21.198
line 37
Less: Netting and grossing differences
-311.750 -367.292 -367.292
line 38
Supplementary medical insurance premiums
-142.098 -137.202 -137.202
line 39
Interest receipts
-21.746 -15.269 -15.269
line 40
Current surplus of government enterprises
0.629 -5.865 -5.865
line 41
-148.535 -208.957 -208.957
line 42
Plus: Timing differences
162.713 -165.203 -165.203
line 43
Purchases (increase in payables net of advances)
0.901 -3.846 -3.846
line 44
Interest payments
0.433 0.045 0.045
line 45
Current transfer payments
51.889 -19.264 -19.264
line 46
109.490 -142.139 -142.139
line 47
Equals: Federal government current expenditures NIPAs
6,427.006 6,115.383 6,115.383
Net federal government saving
line 48
Budget surplus or deficit
-1,694.328 -1,376.113 -1,376.113
line 49
Plus: Net investment
76.342 59.983 59.983
line 50
Less: Net capital transfers received
-237.165 -182.479 -182.479
line 51
Less: Federal employee retirement plans
76.007 93.157 93.157
line 52
Less: Other coverage differences
104.412 -163.477 -163.477
line 53
Less: Timing differences
-14.124 3.175 3.175
line 54
Equals: Federal government saving national income and product accounts
-1,547.115 -1,066.507 -1,066.507

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