Federal Reserve Economic Data: Your trusted data source since 1991


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Billions of Dollars
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
Production in the United States:
line 1
Gross domestic product (GDP)
27,360.935 25,744.108 25,744.108
line 2
Gross domestic income (GDI)
26,851.212 25,796.403 25,796.403
line 3
Average of GDP and GDI
27,106.073 25,770.255 25,770.255
line 4
Net domestic product
22,775.148 21,444.222 21,444.222
line 5
Net domestic income
22,265.425 21,496.516 21,496.516
Production by labor and capital supplied by U.S. residents:
line 6
Gross national product
27,525.146 25,925.983 25,925.983
line 7
Gross national income
27,015.422 25,978.277 25,978.277
line 8
Net national product
22,939.359 21,626.096 21,626.096
line 9
National income
22,429.636 21,678.390 21,678.390
Final expenditures by U.S. residents:
line 10
Gross domestic purchases
28,159.621 26,715.227 26,715.227
line 11
Final sales to domestic purchasers
28,106.014 26,557.921 26,557.921
line 12
Final sales to private domestic purchasers
23,360.925 22,111.085 22,111.085
After-tax income received by the personal sector:
line 13
Disposable personal income
20,204.954 18,702.453 18,702.453

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