Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Jan 2000    
    Jul 2024
Thousands of Persons
Name Jul 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2023
Less than a high school diploma
562 675 562
Less than 1 year of high school
154 222 182
1 - 3 years of hich school
257 292 251
4 years of high school, no diploma
151 161 129
High school graduates, no college
3,589 3,740 3,527
Some college or associate degree
4,180 4,077 4,264
Some college, no degree
2,336 2,238 2,346
Associate degree
1,844 1,838 1,918
Occupational program
733 754 636
Academic program
1,111 1,084 1,282
Bachelor's degree and higher
8,950 8,938 8,956
Bachelor's degree
5,906 5,983 5,895
Advanced degree
3,044 2,955 3,061
Master's degree
2,466 2,400 2,365
Professional degree
276 219 317
Doctoral degree
302 336 379

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