Federal Reserve Economic Data: Your trusted data source since 1991


F.216 Other Loans and Advances


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Millions of Dollars
Line Name 2023 Preceding
Year Ago
from Period
line 1
Net change in total other loans and advances
111,469 792,629 792,629
line 2
U.S. government loans
-68,258 90,671 90,671
line 3
Household sector
5,165 7,024 7,024
line 4
Nonfinancial corporate business
-49,517 50,439 50,439
line 5
Nonfinancial noncorporate business
-26,200 33,105 33,105
line 6
State and local governments
985 721 721
line 7
Government-sponsored enterprises
0 0 0
line 8
Finance companies
0 0 0
line 9
Funding corporations
0 0 0
line 10
Rest of the world
1,309 -618 -618
line 11
Federal government retirement funds' loans
0 0 0
line 12
Liab.: Federal government
0 0 0
line 13
Foreign loans to U.S. corporate business
1,368 45,185 45,185
line 14
Liab.: Nonfinancial corporate business
1,368 45,185 45,185
Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding
line 15
U.S.-chartered depository institutions
0 0 0
line 16
Foreign banking offices in U.S.
0 0 0
line 17
Nonfinancial corporate business
0 0 0
line 18
Rest of the world
0 0 0
line 19
Holding company loans
490 21,404 21,404
line 20
Nonfinancial corporate business
223 1,208 1,208
line 21
Rest of the world
267 20,196 20,196
line 22
Policy loans (Household liability)
4,993 61 61
line 23
Federal government
-3 -3 -3
line 24
Life insurance companies
4,996 64 64
line 25
Federal Home Loan Banks advances
-36,231 484,959 484,959
line 26
U.S.-chartered depository institutions
-27,129 408,726 408,726
line 27
Credit unions
-11,404 55,965 55,965
line 28
Property-casualty insurance companies
-29 -1,778 -1,778
line 29
Life insurance companies
2,397 22,085 22,085
line 30
Finance companies
32 11 11
line 31
Real estate investment trusts
-98 -50 -50
line 32
Govt.-sponsored enterprises loans
21,223 17,837 17,837
line 33
Household sector (SLMA)
0 0 0
line 34
Nonfinancial corporate business (FCS)
994 1,944 1,944
line 35
Nonfinancial noncorporate business (FCS)
20,229 15,893 15,893
line 36
U.S.-chartered depository inst. (SLMA)
0 0 0
line 37
Securitized loans held by ABS issuers
69 -827 -827
line 38
Liab.: Nonfinancial corporate business
69 -827 -827
line 39
Finance company loans to business
75,633 73,718 73,718
line 40
Nonfinancial corporate business
67,172 65,158 65,158
line 41
Nonfinancial noncorporate business
2,854 -4,918 -4,918
line 42
Margin accounts at brokers and dealers
16,329 -135,958 -135,958
line 43
Liab.: Household sector
16,329 -135,958 -135,958
line 44
Cash accounts at brokers and dealers
-62,768 -66,199 -66,199
line 45
Asset: Household sector
-62,768 -66,199 -66,199
line 46
Loans to nonfinancial corporate business
-38,803 30,870 30,870
line 47
Household sector
-4,496 -5,536 -5,536
line 48
Life insurance companies
-5,577 1,411 1,411
line 49
Mutual funds
-15,709 -18,786 -18,786
line 50
ABS issuers
-8,797 42,927 42,927
line 51
Brokers and dealers
-2,750 9,059 9,059
line 52
Funding corporations
-1,474 1,795 1,795

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