Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Q1 1947    
    Q3 2024
Index 2017=100
Line Name Q3 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2023
line 1
Government consumption expenditures
114.311 113.050 111.600
line 2
Gross output of general government
115.194 114.052 112.454
line 3
Value added
109.637 109.129 107.238
line 4
Compensation of general government employees
107.216 106.784 104.997
line 5
Consumption of general government fixed capital
118.917 118.123 115.841
line 6
Intermediate goods and services purchased
127.602 125.139 124.120
line 7
Durable goods
126.744 119.040 122.146
line 8
Nondurable goods
126.304 123.558 121.413
line 9
128.175 126.354 125.468
line 10
Less: Own-account investment
146.147 145.553 141.524
line 11
Less: Sales to other sectors
115.179 114.613 112.575
Government consumption expenditures by type of government
line 12
Federal consumption expenditures
114.108 111.874 111.010
line 13
Gross output of general government
116.448 114.185 113.381
line 14
Value added
110.228 109.782 108.542
line 15
Compensation of general government employees
104.003 103.811 103.428
line 16
Consumption of general government fixed capital
120.732 119.826 117.064
line 17
Intermediate goods and services purchased
130.009 123.775 123.914
line 18
Durable goods
131.955 119.534 126.144
line 19
Nondurable goods
132.660 119.201 115.376
line 20
129.393 125.624 125.478
line 21
Less: Own-account investment
177.806 177.308 171.801
line 22
Less: Sales to other sectors
97.801 86.132 108.138
Federal defense and nondefense
line 23
Defense consumption expenditures
110.238 107.190 106.811
line 24
Gross output of general government
111.470 108.519 108.206
line 25
Value added
103.823 103.483 103.483
line 26
Compensation of general government employees
99.143 98.945 99.947
line 27
Consumption of general government fixed capital
111.794 111.198 109.413
line 28
Intermediate goods and services purchased
125.960 117.906 116.982
line 29
Durable goods
124.886 111.377 118.437
line 30
Nondurable goods
116.039 93.547 90.091
line 31
127.823 123.257 120.879
line 32
Less: Own-account investment
141.510 140.555 133.109
line 33
Less: Sales to other sectors
141.261 143.588 196.748
line 34
Nondefense consumption expenditures
120.168 119.262 117.613
line 35
Gross output of general government
124.040 122.870 121.291
line 36
Value added
119.277 118.676 115.645
line 37
Compensation of general government employees
110.918 110.735 108.353
line 38
Consumption of general government fixed capital
133.536 132.180 128.004
line 39
Intermediate goods and services purchased
138.241 135.554 137.788
line 40
Durable goods
203.465 201.307 203.695
line 41 Nondurable goods
line 42 Commodity Credit Corporation inventory change
line 43
Other nondurable goods
148.197 143.963 139.906
line 44
132.538 130.266 134.336
line 45
Less: Own-account investment
217.308 217.309 213.925
line 46
Less: Sales to other sectors
76.157 57.249 63.376
line 47
State and local consumption expenditures
114.308 113.598 111.822
line 48
Gross output of general government
114.575 113.946 111.987
line 49
Value added
109.447 108.909 106.709
line 50
Compensation of general government employees
108.403 107.885 105.599
line 51
Consumption of general government fixed capital
116.764 116.104 114.388
line 52
Intermediate goods and services purchased
126.285 125.466 123.953
line 53
Durable goods
118.814 117.960 115.996
line 54
Nondurable goods
124.995 124.140 122.286
line 55
127.503 126.707 125.433
line 56
Less: Own-account investment
116.435 115.745 113.118
line 57
Less: Sales to other sectors
115.562 115.242 112.659
line 58
Tuition and related educational charges
99.148 98.264 96.073
line 59
Health and hospital charges
124.407 124.523 121.661
line 60
Other sales
111.342 110.673 108.292

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