Federal Reserve Economic Data

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 1999 to Nov 2022 (2022-12-16)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3)" is a classification of services and nondurable goods that include the Services for and Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling. Maintenance and Repair of Dwellings are distinguished by two features. First, they are activities that have to be undertaken regularly in order to maintain the dwelling in good working order. Second, they do not change the dwelling's performance, capacity or expected service life. Maintenance and Repair of Dwellings includes minor tasks commonly carried out by both tenants and owners, such as interior decoration and repairs to fittings. Also includes major tasks carried out by owners only, such as plastering walls or repairing roofs. Only expenditures, which tenants and owner- occupiers incur on materials and services for minor maintenance and repair, are part of individual consumption expenditure of households. Expenditures, which owner-occupiers incur on materials and services for major maintenance and repair, are not part of individual consumption expenditure of households. Purchases of materials made by tenants or owner-occupiers with the intention of undertaking the maintenance or repair themselves should be shown under (04.3.1). If tenants or owner-occupiers pay an enterprise to carry out the maintenance or repair, the total value of the service, including the costs of the materials used, should be shown under (04.3.2). This category contains the Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1) and Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2) subcategories. This is a subcategory of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Liquid Fuels and Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (FUELS)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes Liquid Fuels (04.5.3) and Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.2). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate, and Confectionery (01.1.8)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes cane or beet sugar, unrefined or refined sugar, powdered sugar, crystallized sugar, or sugar lumps; jams, marmalades, compotes, jellies, fruit purees and pastes, natural and artificial honey, maple syrup, molasses and parts of plants preserved in sugar; chocolate in bars or slabs, chewing gum, sweets, toffees, pastilles, and other confectionery products; cocoa-based foods and cocoa-based dessert preparations; edible ice, ice cream, and sorbet; and artificial sugar substitutes. This category excludes cocoa and chocolate-based powder (01.2.1). This is a subcategory of both the Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (01) and the Food (01.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICPs) "Fully Administered Prices (APFULL)" attempts to identify governmental influence on the prices of goods and services. For a Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICPs) to be included in the Administered Price (AP) category, more than 50% of its underlying items must be either directly set or heavily influenced by a governmental body or regulator (whether national, regional, or local). There are two types of Administered Prices as defined by Eurostat. Fully Administered Prices (APFULL) includes those that are directly set by the government. Examples include local public transportation charges, education fees, theater tickets, waste collection, childcare, and fees for administrative documents. Mainly Administered Prices (APMAIN) covers the prices of goods and services over which the government or regulator has significant influence. These may include prices that require approval or permission by national regulatory authorities for their change. The influence of the national regulator's decisions could be direct (on retail prices) or indirect (via wholesale prices). However, the regulator must have a significant influence on the consumer price. This index does not provide an exact measure of the development of administered and non-administered prices. For some European Union member states, HICPs items considered for inclusion in the administered prices subcategory are supplied by National Statistical Institutes; for other European Union member states, these are provided by national central banks. Eurostat, the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, and the European Central Bank verify final classification for all countries. Information provided in the notes relating to Administered Prices HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/hicp/methodology/hicp-administered-prices. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Tools and Equipment for House and Garden (05.5)" is a classification of durable and semi-durable goods that includes motorized tools and equipment such as electric drills, saws, sanders and hedge cutters, garden tractors, lawn mowers, cultivators, chain saws, and water pumps; repair of such articles; hand tools such as saws, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, spanners, pliers, trimming knives, rasps, and files; garden tools such as wheel barrows, watering cans, hoses, spades, shovels, rakes, forks, scythes, sickles, and secateurs; ladders and steps; door fittings (hinges, handles, and locks), fittings for radiators and fireplaces, and other metal articles for the house (curtain rails, carpet rods, hooks, etc.) or for the garden (chains, grids, stakes, and hoop segments for fencing and bordering), small electric accessories such as power sockets, switches, wiring flex, electric bulbs, fluorescent lighting tubes, torches, flashlights, hand-lamps, electric batteries for general use, bells, and alarms; repair of such articles; and charges for the leasing or rental of do-it-yourself machinery and equipment. This category contains the subcategory of Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2). This category is a subcategory of Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Maintenance of the House (05) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Solid Fuels (04.5.4)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes coal, coke, briquettes, firewood, charcoal, peat, and the like. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Tobacco (00XTOBAC)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, services, and energy that includes Bread and Cereals (01.1.1), Meat (01.1.2), Fish (01.1.3), Milk, Cheese, and Eggs (01.1.4), Oils and Fats (01.1.5), Fruit (01.1.6), Vegetables (01.1.7), Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate, and Confectionery (01.1.8), Food Products, Not Elsewhere Classified (01.1.9), Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa (01.2.1), Mineral Waters, Soft Drinks, and Fruit and Vegetable Juices (01.2.2), Spirits (02.1.1), Wine (02.1.2), Beer (02.1.3), Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Cleaning, Repair, and Hire of Clothing (03.1.4), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Nondurable Household Goods (05.6.1), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Pharmaceutical Products (06.1.1), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.2), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Other Services in respect of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.4), Passenger Transport by Railway (07.3.1), Passenger Transport by Road (07.3.2), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Combined Passenger Transport (07.3.5), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Postal Services (08.1), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Recording Media (09.1.4), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Pets and Related Products including Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5), Recreational and Sporting Services (09.4.1), Cultural Services (09.4.2), Books (09.5.1), Newspapers and Periodicals (09.5.2), Miscellaneous Printed Matter, Stationery, and Drawing Materials (09.5.3/4), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Restaurants, cafés, and the Like (11.1.1), Canteens (11.1.2), Accommodation Services (11.2), Hairdressing Salons and Personal Grooming Establishments (12.1.1), Electric Appliances for Personal Care and Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5), Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 1999 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation Including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2)" is a classification of durable goods that includes camper vans, caravans, and trailers; airplanes, microlight aircraft, gliders, hang-gliders, and hot-air balloons; boats, outboard motors, sails, rigging, and superstructures; horses and ponies, horse or pony drawn vehicles and related equipment (harnesses, bridles, reins, saddles, etc.), major items for games and sport such as canoes, kayaks, wind-surfing boards, sea-diving equipment, and golf carts; musical instruments of all sizes, including electronic musical instruments, such as pianos, organs, violins, guitars, drums, trumpets, clarinets, flutes, recorders, harmonicas, etc.; billiard tables, ping-pong tables, pin-ball machines, gaming machines, etc.; and fitting out of boats, camper vans, caravans, etc. This category excludes horses and ponies, horse or pony drawn vehicles and related equipment purchased for personal transport (07.1.4), toys (09.3.1), and inflatable boats, rafts, and swimming pools (09.3.2). This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Other Major Durables Recreation and Culture (09.2) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Major Household Appliances Whether Electric or Not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2)" is a classification of durable goods and semi-durable goods that includes refrigerators, freezers, and fridge-freezers; washing-machines, dryers, drying cabinets, dishwashers, and ironing and pressing machines; cookers, spit roasters, hobs, ranges, ovens, and micro-wave ovens; air conditioners, humidifiers, space heaters, water heaters, ventilators, and extractor hoods; vacuum cleaners, steam-cleaning machines, carpet shampooing machines, and machines for scrubbing, waxing, and polishing floors; other major household appliances such as safes, sewing machines, knitting machines, water softeners, etc.; coffee mills, coffee-makers, juice extractors, can openers, food mixers, deep fryers, meat grills, knives, toasters, ice cream makers, sorbet makers, yogurt makers, hotplates, irons, kettles, fans, electric blankets, etc.; and delivery and installation of the appliances when applicable. The durable goods portion of this index is the Major Household Appliances Whether Electric or Not, and the Small Electric Household Appliances is the semi-durable goods portion of the index. This category excludes such appliances that are built into the structure of the building (capital formation, not covered by HICP), small non-electric household articles and kitchen utensils (05.4.0), household scales (05.4.0), and personal weighing machines and baby scales (12.1.3). This category is a subcategory of the Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Maintenance of the House (05) and of Household Appliances (05.3) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Motor Cars (07.1.1)" is a classification of durable goods that includes new motor cars, passenger vans, station wagons, estate cars, and the like with either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive; second-hand motor cars, passenger vans, station wagons, estate cars, and the like with either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. This category excludes invalid carriages (06.1.3), camper vans (09.2.1), golf carts (09.2.1). This category is a subcategory of the Transport (07) and of Purchases of Vehicles (07.1) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Energy (ENRGY)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), and Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.2). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Energy (ENRGY)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), and Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.2). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Beer (02.1.3)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes all kinds of beer such as ale, lager and porter; low-alcoholic beer and non-alcoholic beer; and shandy. This category is a subcategory of the Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco, and Narcotics (02) classification and of Alcoholic Beverages (02.1). Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Energy (ENRGY)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), and Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.2). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Canteens (11.1.2)" is a classification of services that includes catering services of works canteens, office canteens, and canteens in schools, universities, and other educational establishments; university refectories, military messes, and wardrooms. This category excludes food and drink provided to hospital in-patients (06.3.0). This category is a subcategory of the Restaurants and Hotels (11) and of Catering Services (11.1). Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Vegetables (01.1.7)" is a classification of nondurable, seasonal goods that includes fresh, chilled, frozen, or dried vegetables cultivated for their leaves or stalks (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, endives, fennel, spinach, etc.), for their fruit (aubergines, cucumbers, courgettes, green peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, etc.), and for their roots (beetroots, carrots, onions, parsnips, radishes, turnips, etc.); fresh or chilled potatoes and other tuber vegetables (manioc, arrowroot, cassava, sweet potatoes, etc.); preserved or processed vegetables and vegetable-based products; products of tuber vegetables (flours, meals, flakes, purees, chips, and crisps) including frozen preparations such as chipped potatoes; olives, garlic, pulses, sweetcorn, sea fennel, and other edible seaweed; and mushrooms and other edible fungi. This category excludes potato starch, tapioca, sago, and other starches (01.1.1), soups, broths, and stocks containing vegetables (01.1.9), culinary herbs (parsley, rosemary, thyme, etc.) and spices (pepper, pimento, ginger, etc.) (01.1.9), and vegetable juices (01.2.2). This is a subcategory of both the Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (01) and the Food (01.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2004 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Transport (07)" is a classification of durable goods, nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, services, and energy. This category contains Purchase of Vehicles (07.1), Operation of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2), and Transport Services (07.3) categories and all subcategories therein. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Motor Cars (07.1.1)" is a classification of durable goods that includes new motor cars, passenger vans, station wagons, estate cars, and the like with either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive; second-hand motor cars, passenger vans, station wagons, estate cars, and the like with either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. This category excludes invalid carriages (06.1.3), camper vans (09.2.1), golf carts (09.2.1). This category is a subcategory of the Transport (07) and of Purchases of Vehicles (07.1) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Gas (04.5.2)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes town gas and natural gas, liquefied hydrocarbons (butane, propane, etc.), associated expenditure such as hire of meters, reading of meters, storage containers, standing charges, etc. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Gas (04.5.2)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes town gas and natural gas, liquefied hydrocarbons (butane, propane, etc.), associated expenditure such as hire of meters, reading of meters, storage containers, standing charges, etc. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Tobacco (02.2)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes cigarettes; cigarette tobacco and cigarette papers; and cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or snuff. This classification covers all purchases of tobacco by households, including purchases of tobacco in restaurants, cafés, bars, and service stations, etc. This category excludes other smokers' articles (12.3.2). This category is a subcategory of Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco, and Narcotics (02) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Electricity (04.5.1)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes electricity, associated expenditure such as hire of meters, reading of meters, standing charges, etc. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Electricity (04.5.1)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes electricity, associated expenditure such as hire of meters, reading of meters, standing charges, etc. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Personal Care (12.1)" is a classification of nondurable goods and services. The category, Personal Care (12.1), contains Hairdressing Salons and Personal Grooming Establishments (12.1.1) and Electric Appliances for Personal Care, Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3). This category is a subcategory of Miscellaneous Goods and Services (12) classification. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Energy and Unprocessed Food (00XEFOODUNP)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and services that includes Bread and Cereals (01.1.1), Milk, Cheese, and Eggs (01.1.4), Oils and Fats (01.1.5), Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate, and Confectionery (01.1.8), Food Products, Not Elsewhere Classified (01.1.9), Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa (01.2.1), Mineral Waters, Soft Drinks, and Fruit and Vegetable Juices (01.2.2), Spirits (02.1.1), Wine (02.1.2), Beer (02.1.3), Tobacco (02.2), Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Cleaning, Repair, and Hire of Clothing (03.1.4), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Nondurable Household Goods (05.6.1), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Pharmaceutical Products (06.1.1), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Other Services in respect of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.4), Passenger Transport by Railway (07.3.1), Passenger Transport by Road (07.3.2), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Combined Passenger Transport (07.3.5), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Postal Services (08.1), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Recording Media (09.1.4), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Pets and Related Products including Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5), Recreational and Sporting Services (09.4.1), Cultural Services (09.4.2), Books (09.5.1), Newspapers and Periodicals (09.5.2), Miscellaneous Printed Matter, Stationery, and Drawing Materials (09.5.3/4), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Restaurants, cafés, and the Like (11.1.1), Canteens (11.1.2), Accommodation Services (11.2), Hairdressing Salons and Personal Grooming Establishments (12.1.1), Electric Appliances for Personal Care and Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Energy and Seasonal Food (00XESEAS)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and services that includes Bread and Cereals (01.1.1), Meat (01.1.2), Milk, Cheese, and Eggs (01.1.4), Oils and Fats (01.1.5), Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate, and Confectionery (01.1.8), Food Products, Not Elsewhere Classified (01.1.9), Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa (01.2.1), Mineral Waters, Soft Drinks, and Fruit and Vegetable Juices (01.2.2), Spirits (02.1.1), Wine (02.1.2), Beer (02.1.3), Tobacco (02.2), Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Cleaning, Repair, and Hire of Clothing (03.1.4), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Nondurable Household Goods (05.6.1), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Pharmaceutical Products (06.1.1), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Other Services in respect of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.4), Passenger Transport by Railway (07.3.1), Passenger Transport by Road (07.3.2), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Combined Passenger Transport (07.3.5), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Postal Services (08.1), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Recording Media (09.1.4), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Pets and Related Products including Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5), Recreational and Sporting Services (09.4.1), Cultural Services (09.4.2), Books (09.5.1), Newspapers and Periodicals (09.5.2), Miscellaneous Printed Matter, Stationery, and Drawing Materials (09.5.3/4), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Restaurants, cafés, and the Like (11.1.1), Canteens (11.1.2), Accommodation Services (11.2), Hairdressing Salons and Personal Grooming Establishments (12.1.1), Electric Appliances for Personal Care and Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 2005 to Jan 2016 (2016-02-25)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases (00xFROOPP)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and energy that includes Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Accommodation Services (11.2), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Jan 2016 (2016-02-25)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases (00xFROOPP)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and energy that includes Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Accommodation Services (11.2), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Jan 2016 (2016-02-25)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases (00xFROOPP)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and energy that includes Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Accommodation Services (11.2), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2015 to Dec 2023 (Jan 17)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Dec 2016 (2017-04-19)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Liquid Fuels (04.5.3)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes domestic heating and lighting oils. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Dec 2015 (2016-02-25)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Recording Media (09.1.4)" is a classification of semi-durable goods that includes records and compact discs; pre-recorded tapes, cassettes, video cassettes, diskettes and CD-ROMs for tape recorders, cassette recorders, video recorders, and personal computers; unrecorded tapes, cassettes, video cassettes, diskettes and CD-ROMs for tape recorders, cassette recorders, video recorders, and personal computers; unexposed films, cartridges, and discs for photographic and cinematographic use; photographic supplies such as paper and flash bulbs; and unexposed film the price of which includes the cost of processing without separately identifying it. Recording Media (09.1.4) excludes batteries (05.5.2), computer software (09.1.3), video-game software, video-game cassettes, and video-game CD-ROMs (09.3.1), and development of films and printing of photographs (09.4.2). This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Audio-Visual, Photographic, and Information Processing Equipment (09.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1999 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Dental Services (06.2.2)" is a classification of services that includes services of dentists, oral-hygienists, and other dental auxiliaries; and fitting costs of dentures. Dental Services excludes dentures (06.1.3), services of orthodontic specialists (06.2.1), and services of medical analysis laboratories and X-ray centers (06.2.3). This category is a subcategory of the Health (06) and of Out-Patient Services (06.2) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Hospital Services (06.3)" is a classification of services that includes basic services: administration; accommodation; food and drink; supervision and care by non-specialist staff (nursing auxiliaries), first-aid and resuscitation; ambulance transport; provision of medicines and other pharmaceutical products; provision of therapeutic appliances and equipment; medical services: services of physicians in general or specialist practice, of surgeons and of dentists; medical analyses and X-rays; paramedical services such as those of nurses, midwives, chiropractors, optometrists, physio-therapists, speech therapists, etc. Hospitalization is defined as occurring when a patient is accommodated in a hospital for the duration of the treatment. Hospital day care and home-based hospital treatment are included as are hospices for terminally-ill persons. This group covers the services of general and specialist hospitals, the services of medical centers, maternity centers, nursing homes, and convalescence homes, which chiefly provide in-patient health care, the services of institutions serving old people in which medical monitoring is an essential component and the services of rehabilitation centers providing in-patient health care and rehabilitative therapy where the objective is to treat the patient rather than to provide long-term support. Hospitals are defined as institutions that offer in-patient care under direct supervision of qualified medical doctors. Medical centers, maternity centers, nursing homes, and convalescent homes also provide in-patient care, but their services are supervised and frequently delivered by staff of lower qualification than medical doctors. This category excludes the services of facilities, such as surgeries, clinics, and dispensaries, devoted exclusively to out-patient care (06.2). Nor does it include the services of retirement homes for elderly persons, institutions for disabled persons and rehabilitation centers providing primarily long-term support (12.4). This category is a subcategory of the Health (06) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Accommodation Services (11.2)" is a classification of services that includes hotels, boarding houses, motels, inns, and establishments offering "bed and breakfast"; holiday villages and holiday centers, camping and caravan sites, youth hostels and mountain chalets; boarding schools, universities, and other educational establishments; public transport (trains, boats, etc.) when priced separately; hostels for young workers or immigrants; tips; and porters. Accommodation Services (11.2) excludes payments of households occupying a room in a hotel or boarding house as their main residence (04.1.1), rentals paid by households for a secondary residence for the duration of a holiday (04.1.2), telephone calls (08.3.0), catering services in such establishments except for breakfast or other meals included in the price of the accommodation (11.1.1), and housing in orphanages, homes for disabled or maladjusted persons (12.4.0). The category, Accommodation Services (11.2), is a subcategory of the Restaurants and Hotels (11) classification. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Postal Services (08.1)" is a classification of services that includes payments for the delivery of letters, postcards, and parcels; private mail and parcel delivery; all purchases of new postage stamps, pre-franked postcards, and aerogrammes. This category excludes purchase of used or cancelled postage stamps (09.3.1), and financial services of post offices (12.6.2). This category is a subcategory of Communications (08) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2004 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Household Appliances (05.3)" is a classification of durable goods, semi-durable goods, and services. This category contains the subcategories of Major Household Appliances whether Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2) and Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3). This category is a subcategory of Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Maintenance of the House (05) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Catering Services (11.1)" is a classification of services. This category contains Restaurants, cafés, and the Like (11.1.1) and Canteens (11.1.2) subcategories. This category is a subcategory of Restaurants and Hotels (11) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Nov 2022 (2022-12-16)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Goods, Overall Index Excluding Services (GOODS)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and energy that includes Bread and Cereals (01.1.1), Meat (01.1.2), Fish (01.1.3), Milk, Cheese, and Eggs (01.1.4), Oils and Fats (01.1.5), Fruit (01.1.6), Vegetables (01.1.7), Sugar, Jam, Honey, Chocolate, and Confectionery (01.1.8), Food products, Not Elsewhere Classified (01.1.9), Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa (01.2.1), Mineral Waters, Soft drinks, and Fruit and Vegetable Juices (01.2.2), Spirits (02.1.1), Wine (02.1.2), Beer (02.1.3), Tobacco (02.2), Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Water Supply (04.4.1), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Household Textiles (05.2.0), Major Household Appliances Whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Non-Durable Household Goods (05.6.1), Pharmaceutical Products (06.1.1), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances, and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Fuels and Lubricants for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.2), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Recording Media (09.1.4), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Pets and Related Products including Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5), Books (09.5.1), Newspapers and Periodicals (09.5.2), Miscellaneous Printed Matter and Stationery and Drawing Materials (09.5.3/4), Electric Appliances for Personal Care and Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), and Other Personal Effects (12.3.2). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Nov 2020 (2020-12-17)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Recording Media (09.1.4)" is a classification of semi-durable goods that includes records and compact discs; pre-recorded tapes, cassettes, video cassettes, diskettes and CD-ROMs for tape recorders, cassette recorders, video recorders, and personal computers; unrecorded tapes, cassettes, video cassettes, diskettes and CD-ROMs for tape recorders, cassette recorders, video recorders, and personal computers; unexposed films, cartridges, and discs for photographic and cinematographic use; photographic supplies such as paper and flash bulbs; and unexposed film the price of which includes the cost of processing without separately identifying it. Recording Media (09.1.4) excludes batteries (05.5.2), computer software (09.1.3), video-game software, video-game cassettes, and video-game CD-ROMs (09.3.1), and development of films and printing of photographs (09.4.2). This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Audio-Visual, Photographic, and Information Processing Equipment (09.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Fish and Seafood (01.1.3)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes fresh, chilled, or frozen fish; fresh, chilled, or frozen seafood (crustaceans including land crabs, mollusks and other shellfish, land and sea snails, and frogs), dried, smoked, or salted fish and seafood; other preserved or processed fish and seafood; fish and seafood-based preparations (canned fish and seafood, caviar and other hard roes, fish pies, etc.); and fish and seafood purchased live for consumption as food. This category excludes soups, broths, and stocks containing fish (01.1.9). This is a subcategory of both the Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (01) and the Food (01.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Bread and Cereals (01.1.1)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes rice in all forms; maize, wheat, barley, oats, rye, and other cereals in the form of grain; flour or meal; bread and other bakery products (crispbread, rusks, toasted bread, biscuits, gingerbread, wafers, waffles, crumpets, muffins, croissants, cakes, tarts, pies, quiches, pizzas, etc.), mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakery products; pasta products in all forms and couscous; and cereal preparations (cornflakes, oatflakes, etc.) and other cereal products (malt, malt flour, malt extract, potato starch, tapioca, sago, and other starches), and farinaceous-based products prepared with meat, fish, seafood, cheese, vegetables, or fruit. This category excludes meat pies (01.1.2), fish pies (01.1.3), and sweetcorn (01.1.7). This is a subcategory of both the Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (01) and the Food (01.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Purchase of Vehicles (07.1)" is a classification of durable goods that includes purchases by households of new vehicles and purchases by households of second-hand vehicles from other institutional sectors, which are typically garages or car dealers. Sales of second-hand vehicles between households are not covered. Purchases are net of sales by households of second-hand vehicles to other institutional sectors. Member Countries may take either a net weight for new cars (gross weight minus the trade-in value of used cars) and a net weight for second-hand cars, or a gross weight for new cars (not taking into account the trade-in of used cars) and a weight for second-hand cars including any business sector trade-margin. Purchase of Vehicles also covers purchases through financial leasing arrangements. This category excludes the Purchase of Recreational Vehicles such as camper vans, caravans, trailers, airplanes, and boats, which are covered by (09.2.1). This category contains Motor Cars (07.1.1) and Motorcycles, bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4). This category is a subcategory of Transport (07) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Clothing and Footwear (03)" is a classification of semi-durable goods and services. This classification contains the Clothing (03.1) and Footwear (03.2) categories and all subcategories therein. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 1999 to Jan 2016 (2016-02-25)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases (00xFROOPP)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and energy that includes Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Accommodation Services (11.2), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Jan 2020 (2020-04-17)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Electricity (04.5.1)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes electricity, associated expenditure such as hire of meters, reading of meters, standing charges, etc. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Jan 2020 (2020-02-21)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Gas (04.5.2)" is a classification of nondurable goods and energy that includes town gas and natural gas, liquefied hydrocarbons (butane, propane, etc.), associated expenditure such as hire of meters, reading of meters, storage containers, standing charges, etc. This category is a subcategory of the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) and of Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04.5) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3)" is a classification of nondurable goods that includes natural or artificial flowers and foliage, plants, shrubs, bulbs, tubers, seeds, fertilizers, composts, garden peat, turf for lawns, specially treated soils for ornamental gardens, horticultural preparations, pots and pot holders; natural and artificial Christmas trees; and delivery charges for flowers and plants. This category excludes gardening gloves (03.1.3), gardening services (04.4.4) or (05.6.2), gardening equipment (05.5.1), and gardening tools (05.5.2). This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Other Recreational Items and Equipment, Gardens and Pets (09.3) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Telephone and Telefax Services (08.3)" is a classification of services that includes installation and subscription costs of personal telephone equipment; telephone calls from a private line or from a public line (public telephone box, post office cabin, etc.), telephone calls from hotels, cafés, restaurants and the like; telegraphy, telex, and telefax services; information transmission services; internet connection services; hire of telephones, telefax machines, telephone answering-machines and telephone loudspeakers; and radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, and radiotelex services. Telephone and Telefax Services (08.3) excludes telefax and telephone answering facilities provided by personal computers (09.1.3). The category, Telephone and Telefax Services (08.3), is a subcategory of the Communications (07) and of Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Services (08.2/3) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Actual Rentals for Housing (04.1)" is a classification of services that includes rent actually paid by tenants or subtenants occupying unfurnished or furnished premises as their main residence; rents actually paid for secondary residences; and payments by households occupying a room in a hotel or boarding house as their main residence. Rentals are all rentals actually paid by tenants, i.e. the rentals the tenant pays to the landlord regardless of any social benefits the tenant receives from public authorities (including payments which at the tenant's discretion go directly to the landlord). Rentals normally include payment for the use of the land on which the property stands, the dwelling occupied, the fixtures and fittings for heating, plumbing, lighting, etc., and, in the case of a dwelling let furnished, the furniture. Rentals also include payment for the use of a garage to provide parking in connection with the dwelling. The garage does not have to be physically contiguous to the dwelling; nor does it have to be leased from the same landlord. This category excludes accommodation services of educational establishments and hostels (11.2.0), of holiday villages and holiday centers (11.2.0), and of retirement homes for elderly persons (12.4.0). Rentals also do not include payment for the use of garages or parking spaces not providing parking in connection with the dwelling (07.2.4). Nor do they include charges for water supply (04.4.1), refuse collection (04.4.2), and sewerage collection (04.4.3); co-proprietor charges for caretaking, gardening, stairwell cleaning, heating and lighting, maintenance of lifts and refuse disposal chutes, etc. in multi-occupied buildings (04.4.4); charges for electricity (04.5.1) and gas (04.5.2); and charges for heating and hot water supplied by district heating plants (04.5.5). This is a subcategory of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Dec 2000 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Non-Energy Industrial Goods (IGOODSXE)" is a classification of nondurable, semi-durable, and durable goods that includes Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Water Supply (04.4.1), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances Whether Electric or Not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4.0), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Nondurable Household Goods (05.6.1), Pharmaceutical Products (06.1.1), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances, and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Recording Media (09.1.4), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Pets and Related Products including Veterinary and Other Services for Pets (09.3.4/5), Books (09.5.1), Newspapers and Periodicals (09.5.2), Miscellaneous Printed Matter, Stationery, and Drawing Materials (09.5.3/4), Electric Appliances for Personal Care and Other Appliances, Articles, and Products for Personal Care (12.1.2/3), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), and Other Personal Effects (12.3.2). Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Telephone and Telefax Services (08.3)" is a classification of services that includes installation and subscription costs of personal telephone equipment; telephone calls from a private line or from a public line (public telephone box, post office cabin, etc.), telephone calls from hotels, cafés, restaurants and the like; telegraphy, telex, and telefax services; information transmission services; internet connection services; hire of telephones, telefax machines, telephone answering-machines and telephone loudspeakers; and radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, and radiotelex services. Telephone and Telefax Services (08.3) excludes telefax and telephone answering facilities provided by personal computers (09.1.3). The category, Telephone and Telefax Services (08.3), is a subcategory of the Communications (07) and of Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Services (08.2/3) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category; Milk, Cheese, and Eggs (01.1.4); is a classification of nondurable goods that includes raw, pasteurized, or sterilized milk; condensed, evaporated, or powdered milk; yogurt, cream, milk-based desserts, milk-based beverages, and other similar milk-based products, cheese, and curd; eggs and egg products made wholly from eggs; milk, cream, or yogurt containing sugar, cocoa, fruit, or flavorings; and dairy products not based on milk such as soy milk. This subcategory excludes butter and butter products (01.1.5). This is a subcategory of both the Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (01) and the Food (01.1) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

  • Index 2015=100, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Jan 1996 to Aug 2024 (Sep 18)

    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Actual Rentals for Housing (04.1)" is a classification of services that includes rent actually paid by tenants or subtenants occupying unfurnished or furnished premises as their main residence; rents actually paid for secondary residences; and payments by households occupying a room in a hotel or boarding house as their main residence. Rentals are all rentals actually paid by tenants, i.e. the rentals the tenant pays to the landlord regardless of any social benefits the tenant receives from public authorities (including payments which at the tenant's discretion go directly to the landlord). Rentals normally include payment for the use of the land on which the property stands, the dwelling occupied, the fixtures and fittings for heating, plumbing, lighting, etc., and, in the case of a dwelling let furnished, the furniture. Rentals also include payment for the use of a garage to provide parking in connection with the dwelling. The garage does not have to be physically contiguous to the dwelling; nor does it have to be leased from the same landlord. This category excludes accommodation services of educational establishments and hostels (11.2.0), of holiday villages and holiday centers (11.2.0), and of retirement homes for elderly persons (12.4.0). Rentals also do not include payment for the use of garages or parking spaces not providing parking in connection with the dwelling (07.2.4). Nor do they include charges for water supply (04.4.1), refuse collection (04.4.2), and sewerage collection (04.4.3); co-proprietor charges for caretaking, gardening, stairwell cleaning, heating and lighting, maintenance of lifts and refuse disposal chutes, etc. in multi-occupied buildings (04.4.4); charges for electricity (04.5.1) and gas (04.5.2); and charges for heating and hot water supplied by district heating plants (04.5.5). This is a subcategory of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels (04) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

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