OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: USA MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: ITA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3)" is a classification of durable goods and services that includes maintenance and repair of other major durables for recreation and culture; total value of the service (that is, both the cost of labor and the cost of materials are covered), laying up for winter of boats, camper vans, caravans, etc.; hanger services for private planes; and marina services for boats. This category excludes fuel for recreational vehicles (07.2.2), separate purchases of materials made by households with the intention of undertaking the maintenance or repair themselves (09.2.1) or (09.2.2), and veterinary services (09.3.5). This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Other Major Durables Recreation and Culture (09.2) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2)" is a classification of durable goods and services. This category contains Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2) and Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3). This category is a subcategory of Recreation and Culture (09) category. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: FIN All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CP090000 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: ZAF All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: IND MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: RUS MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: IX METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: _Z FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: CHL MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: ESP MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: SWE MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: DEU MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: ISL MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FIN MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: TUR MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: PRT MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: NOR MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: NLD MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: LVA MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: LUX MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: ITA MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: EST MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: HUN MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: GRC MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: FRA MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: CAN MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: AUT MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: ARG MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: MEX MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: POL MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: SVN MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: LTU MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: IRL MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: DNK MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: CHE MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: HICP EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: BEL MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: KOR MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: NZL MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: Q All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: GBR MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PA METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: ZAF MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: IX METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: _Z FREQ: Q All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Data Filters: REF_AREA: SVK MEASURE: CPI UNIT_MEASURE: PD METHODOLOGY: N EXPENDITURE: CP09 ADJUSTMENT: N TRANSFORMATION: GOY FREQ: M All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD (year), (dataset name), (data source) DOI or https://data-explorer.oecd.org/ (https://data-explorer.oecd.org/). (accessed on (date)).
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: IRL All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: LVA All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: ISL All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: LTU All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: IDX OECD country ID: BEL All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: SWE All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: CHE All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: EST All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: DNK All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: HUN All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: LUX All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
OECD Descriptor ID: CPHP0900 OECD unit ID: PC OECD country ID: AUT All OECD data should be cited as follows: OECD, "Main Economic Indicators - complete database", Main Economic Indicators (database), https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00052-en (Accessed on date) Copyright, 2016, OECD. Reprinted with permission
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.
The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Cultural Services (09.4.2)" is a classification of services provided by cinemas, theaters, opera houses, concert halls, music halls, circuses, sound and light shows, museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibitions, historic monuments, national parks, zoological and botanical gardens, aquaria; hire of equipment and accessories for culture, such as television sets, video cassettes, etc.; television and radio broadcasting, in particular license fees for television equipment and subscriptions to television networks; services of photographers such as film developing, print processing, enlarging, portrait photography, wedding photography, etc.; and services of musicians, clowns, and performers for private entertainments. This category is a subcategory of the Recreation and Culture (09) and of Recreational and Cultural Services (09.4) categories. Information provided in the notes pertaining to HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm. Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.