Federal Reserve Economic Data

Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate for Franklin County, FL (CDC20N2UAA012037)

2020: 432.7
Updated: Jun 2, 2022 1:22 PM CDT
Next Release Date: Not Available
2020:  432.7  
2019:  500.8  
2018:  371.2  
2017:  327.2  
2016:  507.5  
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Rate per 100,000,
Not Seasonally Adjusted


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(a) Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate for Franklin County, FL, Rate per 100,000, Not Seasonally Adjusted (CDC20N2UAA012037)

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    Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate for Franklin County, FL
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    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  

    Release: Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate  

    Units:  Rate per 100,000, Not Seasonally Adjusted

    Frequency:  Annual


    Age-adjusted death rates are weighted averages of the age-specific death rates, where the weights represent a fixed population by age. They are used to compare relative mortality risk among groups and over time. An age-adjusted rate represents the rate that would have existed had the age-specific rates of the particular year prevailed in a population whose age distribution was the same as that of the fixed population. Age-adjusted rates should be viewed as relative indexes rather than as direct or actual measures of mortality risk. However, you can select other standard populations, or select specific population criteria to determine the age distribution ratios.

    Premature death rate includes all deaths where the deceased is younger than 75 years of age. 75 years of age is the standard consideration of a premature death according to the CDC's definition of Years of Potential Life Loss.

    Starting with the 2019 vintage, the CDC no longer calculates rates for a county when the death count is less than 20, marking them as "unreliable." FRED records these instances as missing observations in the series.

    For more information see the Frequently Asked Questions about Death Rates.

    Suggested Citation:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate for Franklin County, FL [CDC20N2UAA012037], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CDC20N2UAA012037, March 27, 2025.

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    Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate

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