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Federal Reserve Economic Data

Market Hotness: Hotness Rank in Tioga County, NY (HORAYYCOUNTY36107)

Feb 2025: -570
Updated: Mar 11, 2025 2:37 PM CDT
Feb 2025:  -570  
Jan 2025:  -135  
Dec 2024:  -35  
Nov 2024:  87  
Oct 2024:  455  
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Rank Change from Year Ago,
Not Seasonally Adjusted


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(a) Market Hotness: Hotness Rank in Tioga County, NY, Rank Change from Year Ago, Not Seasonally Adjusted (HORAYYCOUNTY36107)

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    Market Hotness: Hotness Rank in Tioga County, NY
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    Release: Market Hotness Index  

    Units:  Rank Change from Year Ago, Not Seasonally Adjusted

    Frequency:  Monthly


    Market hotness rank for the specified zip code, county, or metro area's compared to all other zip codes, counties and metro areas nationally. A rank value of 1 is considered the hottest in the country.

    The change in Hotness rank from the previous year. A positive value indicates a market has cooled down (moved down in ranking), and a negative value indicates a market has heated up (moved up in ranking).

    With the release of its November 2021 housing trends report,® incorporated a new and improved methodology for capturing and reporting housing inventory trends and metrics. The new methodology uses the latest and most accurate data mapping of listing statuses to yield a cleaner and more consistent measurement of active listings at both the national and local level. The methodology has also been adjusted to better account for missing data in some fields including square footage. Most areas across the country will see minor changes with a smaller handful of areas seeing larger updates. As a result of these changes, the data released since December 2021 will not be directly comparable with previous data releases (files downloaded before December 2021) and® economics blog posts. However, future data releases, including historical data, will consistently apply the new methodology. More details are available at the source's Real Estate Data Library.

    Suggested Citation:, Market Hotness: Hotness Rank in Tioga County, NY [HORAYYCOUNTY36107], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, March 14, 2025.

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