Q2 2024: 1,034 (+ more) Updated: Aug 16, 2024 7:46 AM CDTQ2 2024: | 1,034 | |
Q1 2024: | 1,047 | |
Q4 2023: | 1,050 | |
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Q2 2023: | 1,073 | |
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Square Feet,Frequency:
QuarterlyData in this graph are copyrighted. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Release: Quarterly Starts and Completions by Purpose and Design
Units: Square Feet, Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Quarterly
U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States, Average Square Feet Per Unit for Two or More Units [HOUSTSFLAA2UMQ], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HOUSTSFLAA2UMQ, .