2023: 62,390 | Current Dollars | Annual
Updated: Sep 10, 2024 3:36 PM CDT
Next Release Date: Not Available
2023: | 62,390 | |
2022: | 57,790 | |
2021: | 55,110 | |
2020: | 53,300 | |
2019: | 52,380 | |
View All |
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Release: Income and Poverty in the United States
Units: Current Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
People 15 years old and over beginning with March 1980, and people 14 years old and over as of March of the following year for previous years.
U.S. Census Bureau, Mean Personal Income in Midwest Census Region [MAPAINUSMWA646N], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MAPAINUSMWA646N, .
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