Q2 2021: 3.0 | Percent Change | Quarterly
Updated: Aug 21, 2024 2:29 PM CDT
Q2 2021: | 3.0 | |
Q1 2021: | -1.4 | |
Q4 2020: | 1.4 | |
Q3 2020: | 6.9 | |
Q2 2020: | -4.0 | |
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Release: Quarterly Services Survey
Units: Percent Change, Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Quarterly
The Quarterly Services Survey provides estimates of revenue and expenses for selected service industries. For further information regarding Quarterly Services, visit the source website.
U.S. Census Bureau, Total Expenses for Home Health Care Services, Establishments Subject to Federal Income Tax [PQEXP6216TUSY], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PQEXP6216TUSY, .
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