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Federal Reserve Economic Data

Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in Springfield, MA-CT (NECTA) (SMU25781000500000003)

Dec 2024: 32.24
Updated: Jan 29, 2025 4:32 AM CST
Dec 2024:  32.24  
Nov 2024:  32.13  
Oct 2024:  32.24  
Sep 2024:  32.40  
Aug 2024:  31.98  
View All


Dollars per Hour,
Not Seasonally Adjusted




Line chart with 216 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying xAxis. Data ranges from 2007-01-01 1:00:00 to 2024-12-01 2:00:00.
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying Dollars per Hour and yAxisRight.
End of interactive chart.
Line 1
(a) Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in Springfield, MA-CT (NECTA), Dollars per Hour, Not Seasonally Adjusted (SMU25781000500000003)

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    Line 1
    Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in Springfield, MA-CT (NECTA)
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    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics  

    Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  

    Release: State and Metro Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings  

    Units:  Dollars per Hour, Not Seasonally Adjusted

    Frequency:  Monthly

    Suggested Citation:

    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in Springfield, MA-CT (NECTA) [SMU25781000500000003], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, March 13, 2025.

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