Federal Reserve Economic Data

Nonperforming Loans (past due 90+ days plus nonaccrual) to Total Loans for U.S. Banks with average assets between $1B and $15B (DISCONTINUED) (US115NPTL)

Q3 2020: 0.78
Updated: Dec 10, 2020 2:33 PM CST
Next Release Date: Not Available
Q3 2020:  0.78  
Q2 2020:  0.76  
Q1 2020:  0.77  
Q4 2019:  0.68  
Q3 2019:  0.71  
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Not Seasonally Adjusted


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(a) Nonperforming Loans (past due 90+ days plus nonaccrual) to Total Loans for U.S. Banks with average assets between $1B and $15B (DISCONTINUED), Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted (US115NPTL)

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    Nonperforming Loans (past due 90+ days plus nonaccrual) to Total Loans for U.S. Banks with average assets between $1B and $15B (DISCONTINUED)
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    Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (US)  

    Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  

    Release: Reports of Condition and Income for All Insured U.S. Commercial Banks  

    Units:  Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted

    Frequency:  Quarterly, End of Period


    This series is discontinued and will no longer be updated. Additional consolidated data is available on the FDIC's Bank Data and Statistics.

    This series is constructed as a sum of Total Loan and Lease Finance Receivables, Nonaccrual call item RCFD1403 and Total Loan and Lease Finance Receivables, Past Due 90 Days or More and Still Accruing call item RCFD1407 to the Total Loans and Leases, Net of Unearned Income call item RCFD2122.
    The asset classes are determined by using Quarterly Average of Total Assets call item RCFD3368 greater than $1B and less than $15B.

    Users are advised to use the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' data dictionary to retrieve detailed information for specific call items.

    This series is calculated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis using raw data that are collected by the FFIEC. Raw data can be found at https://cdr.ffiec.gov/public/.

    Suggested Citation:

    Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (US) and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Nonperforming Loans (past due 90+ days plus nonaccrual) to Total Loans for U.S. Banks with average assets between $1B and $15B (DISCONTINUED) [US115NPTL], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/US115NPTL, February 12, 2025.


    Reports of Condition and Income for All Insured U.S. Commercial Banks


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