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Gross (5,100+)
Premature (5,100+)
American Indian (5,100+)
Reduced Count (5,100+)
Europe (5,000+)
Consumption Expenditures (5,000+)
Patents (5,000+)
25 Years + (4,900+)
Issues (4,900+)
Vehicles (4,800+)
Credits (4,800+)
Payrolls (4,800+)
Employer Firms (4,800+)
Flow (4,800+)
Foreign (4,800+)
Utilities (4,700+)
New Mexico (4,700+)
Univ. of Pennsylvania (4,700+)
Goods-Producing Industries (4,700+)
Urban (4,700+)
Secondary Schooling (4,700+)
Intellectual Property (4,600+)
Compensation (4,600+)
Information (4,600+)
16 Years + (4,600+)
Full-Time (4,600+)
Services-Providing Industries (4,500+)
Cost (4,500+)
Utah (4,500+)
Pension (4,400+)
Miscellaneous (4,400+)
Mining (4,400+)
25 to 54 Years (4,400+)
Occupation (4,400+)
Arizona (4,400+)
15 to 64 Years (4,400+)
Fuels (4,300+)
Active Listing (4,300+)
Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts (4,300+)
Mortgage (4,100+)
Consumer Unit (4,100+)
Energy Information Administration (4,100+)
55 to 64 Years (4,100+)
Output (4,000+)
Nonfarm (4,000+)
Electricity (4,000+)
Equity (4,000+)
Origination (4,000+)
Recreation (4,000+)
Fixed (3,900+)