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Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Release: Health Care Satellite Account
Units: Billions of Chained 2017 U.S. Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
As stated by the source, the Health Care Satellite Account presents two versions of the accounts. One version uses data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) - referred to as the "MEPS Account" - which is the only nationally representative survey that contains detailed expenditure information by disease. Due to the relatively small sample size the MEPS Account produces more volatile estimates across years. To address this issue, BEA presents a second version of the satellite account - referred to as the "Blended Account" - which blends together data from multiple sources, including large claims databases that cover millions of enrollees and billions of claims. The key difference is that the MEPS Account and Blended Account use different methodologies and data sources to allocate expenditures across different diseases within the medical services by disease category.
For more information see
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real Medical Services Expenditures by Disease: Mental Illness , Blended Account Basis [MNINEIREXBLEND], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, .
Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Release: Gross Domestic Product
Units: Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
BEA Account Code: A191RX
A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA)
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real Gross Domestic Product [GDPCA], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, .
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Release: Service Annual Survey
Units: Millions of Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Annual
For further information, please refer to the US Census Bureau's Annual Services release, online at
U.S. Census Bureau, Total Revenue for Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers, Establishments Exempt from Federal Income Tax, Employer Firms [REVEF62142TAXEPT], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, .