2014-09-09: 79.4370 | Index Mar 1973=100 | Daily
Updated: Jan 6, 2020 3:49 PM CST
2014-09-09: | 79.4370 | |
2014-09-08: | 79.0468 | |
2014-09-05: | 78.7697 | |
2014-09-04: | 78.8074 | |
2014-09-03: | 78.1998 | |
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Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)
Release: H.10 Foreign Exchange Rates
Units: Index Mar 1973=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Daily
A weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of the broad index currencies that circulate widely outside the country of issue.
Major currencies index includes the Euro Area, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Sweden. For more information about trade-weighted indexes visit the Board of Governors.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), Nominal Major Currencies U.S. Dollar Index (Goods Only) (DISCONTINUED) [DTWEXM], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DTWEXM, .
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