Federal Reserve Economic Data


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    Q1 1947    
    Q2 2024
Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars
Line Name Q2 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 2023
Production in the United States:
line 1
Gross domestic product (GDP)
22,924.863 22,758.752 22,225.350
line 2
Gross domestic income (GDI)
22,308.877 22,238.925 21,866.237
line 3
Net domestic product
19,047.777 18,909.766 18,455.633
line 4
Net domestic income
18,433.552 18,391.401 18,097.050
Production by labor and capital supplied by U.S. residents:
line 5
Gross national product
23,044.464 22,895.538 22,384.631
line 6
Gross national income
22,428.004 22,375.311 22,025.242
line 7
Net national product
19,167.561 19,046.684 18,614.984
Final expenditures by U.S. residents:
line 8
Gross domestic purchases
23,916.783 23,703.954 23,140.880
line 9
Final sales to domestic purchasers
23,793.701 23,625.462 23,082.607
Purchasing power of income:
line 10
Command-basis gross domestic product
23,194.790 23,022.989 22,469.149
line 11
Command-basis net domestic product
19,317.255 19,173.551 18,698.067
line 12
Command-basis gross national product
23,297.874 23,143.585 22,612.856
line 13
Command-basis net national product
19,420.287 19,294.087 18,841.869
After-tax income received by the personal sector:
line 14
Disposable personal income
16,955.773 16,911.853 16,797.333

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