Federal Reserve Economic Data

  • Percent, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1980 to Q1 2024 (Jul 26)

    The Household Debt Service Ratio (DSR) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TDSP) is the ratio of total required household debt payments to total disposable income. The DSR is divided into two parts. The Mortgage DSR (MDSP) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MDSP) is total quarterly required mortgage payments divided by total quarterly disposable personal income. The Consumer DSR (CDSP) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CDSP) is total quarterly scheduled consumer debt payments divided by total quarterly disposable personal income. The Mortgage DSR and the Consumer DSR sum to the DSR. For more information, please visit the Board of Governors (https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/housedebt/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q2 2007 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q2 2007 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q2 2007 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q2 2007 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Age refers to the reference person's age, where the reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2003 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Housing tenure refers to the family's principal place of residence during the survey. "Owner" includes families living in their own homes, cooperatives or condominium apartments, or townhouses. "Renter" includes families paying rent, as well as families living rent-free in lieu of wages. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q2 2007 to Q4 2014 (2019-11-04)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q3 1990 to Q1 2007 (2014-10-15)

    This series no longer appears on the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending practices. For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Occupation refers to the occupation in which the reference person received the most earnings during the survey period. The reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Occupation refers to the occupation in which the reference person received the most earnings during the survey period. The reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Occupation refers to the occupation in which the reference person received the most earnings during the survey period. The reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percentage Points, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1967 to Q1 2024 (Jul 25)

    This index measures the probability that the U.S. economy was in a recession during the indicated quarter. It is based on a mathematical description of the way that recessions differ from expansions. The index corresponds to the probability (measured in percent) that the underlying true economic regime is one of recession based on the available data. Whereas the NBER business cycle dates are based on a subjective assessment of a variety of indicators that may not be released until several years after the event, this index is entirely mechanical, is based solely on currently available GDP data and is reported every quarter. Due to the possibility of data revisions and the challenges in accurately identifying the business cycle phase, the index is calculated for the quarter just preceding the most recently available GDP numbers. Once the index is calculated for that quarter, it is never subsequently revised. The value at every date was inferred using only data that were available one quarter after that date and as those data were reported at the time. If the value of the index rises above 67% that is a historically reliable indicator that the economy has entered a recession. Once this threshold has been passed, if it falls below 33% that is a reliable indicator that the recession is over. For more information about this series visit http://econbrowser.com/recession-index.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Age refers to the reference person's age, where the reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Occupation refers to the occupation in which the reference person received the most earnings during the survey period. The reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2016 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Generation refers to the reference person's generation, or birth year, where the reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2003 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Housing tenure refers to the family's principal place of residence during the survey. "Owner" includes families living in their own homes, cooperatives or condominium apartments, or townhouses. "Renter" includes families paying rent, as well as families living rent-free in lieu of wages. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records. A confidence interval is a range of values, from the lower bound to the respective upper bound, that describes the uncertainty surrounding an estimate. A confidence interval is also itself an estimate. It is made using a model of how sampling, interviewing, measuring, and modeling contribute to uncertainty about the relation between the true value of the quantity we are estimating and our estimate of that value. The "90%" in the confidence interval listed above represents a level of certainty about our estimate. If we were to repeatedly make new estimates using exactly the same procedure (by drawing a new sample, conducting new interviews, calculating new estimates and new confidence intervals), the confidence intervals would contain the average of all the estimates 90% of the time. For more details about the confidence intervals and their interpretation, see this explanation (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/guidance/confidence-intervals.html).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records. A confidence interval is a range of values, from the lower bound to the respective upper bound, that describes the uncertainty surrounding an estimate. A confidence interval is also itself an estimate. It is made using a model of how sampling, interviewing, measuring, and modeling contribute to uncertainty about the relation between the true value of the quantity we are estimating and our estimate of that value. The "90%" in the confidence interval listed above represents a level of certainty about our estimate. If we were to repeatedly make new estimates using exactly the same procedure (by drawing a new sample, conducting new interviews, calculating new estimates and new confidence intervals), the confidence intervals would contain the average of all the estimates 90% of the time. For more details about the confidence intervals and their interpretation, see this explanation (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/guidance/confidence-intervals.html).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records. A confidence interval is a range of values, from the lower bound to the respective upper bound, that describes the uncertainty surrounding an estimate. A confidence interval is also itself an estimate. It is made using a model of how sampling, interviewing, measuring, and modeling contribute to uncertainty about the relation between the true value of the quantity we are estimating and our estimate of that value. The "90%" in the confidence interval listed above represents a level of certainty about our estimate. If we were to repeatedly make new estimates using exactly the same procedure (by drawing a new sample, conducting new interviews, calculating new estimates and new confidence intervals), the confidence intervals would contain the average of all the estimates 90% of the time. For more details about the confidence intervals and their interpretation, see this explanation (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/guidance/confidence-intervals.html).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records. A confidence interval is a range of values, from the lower bound to the respective upper bound, that describes the uncertainty surrounding an estimate. A confidence interval is also itself an estimate. It is made using a model of how sampling, interviewing, measuring, and modeling contribute to uncertainty about the relation between the true value of the quantity we are estimating and our estimate of that value. The "90%" in the confidence interval listed above represents a level of certainty about our estimate. If we were to repeatedly make new estimates using exactly the same procedure (by drawing a new sample, conducting new interviews, calculating new estimates and new confidence intervals), the confidence intervals would contain the average of all the estimates 90% of the time. For more details about the confidence intervals and their interpretation, see this explanation (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/guidance/confidence-intervals.html).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2022 (Dec 14)

    The U.S. Census Bureau provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states through the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/about.html) (SAIPE) program. The bureau's main objective with this program is to provide estimates of income and poverty for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use the income and poverty estimates for distributing funds and managing programs. Estimates of poverty by ages and families are not direct counts from enumerations or administrative records, nor direct estimates from sample surveys. Instead, for counties and states, the Census models income and poverty estimates by combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Housing tenure refers to the family's principal place of residence during the survey. "Owner" includes families living in their own homes, cooperatives or condominium apartments, or townhouses. "Renter" includes families paying rent, as well as families living rent-free in lieu of wages. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q2 2007 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q4 1946 to Q2 2024 (Sep 12)

    Source ID: FL154104016.Q For more information about the Flow of Funds tables, see the Financial Accounts Guide (https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/Default.aspx). With each quarterly release, the source may make major data and structural revisions to the series and tables. These changes are available in the Release Highlights (https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/FOFHighlight.aspx). In the Financial Accounts, the source identifies each series by a string of patterned letters and numbers. For a detailed description, including how this series is constructed, see the series analyzer (https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/SeriesAnalyzer.aspx?s=FL154104016&t=) provided by the source.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percentage Points at Annual Rate, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q2 2024 (Aug 29)

    BEA Account Code: DPCERY For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices release, online at http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/SnLoanSurvey/.

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percent, Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted Q1 2015 to Q3 2024 (Aug 5)

    This data series is part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS). The purpose of the survey is to provide qualitative and limited quantitative information on bank credit availability and loan demand, as well as on evolving developments and lending practices in the U.S. loan markets. A portion of each survey typically covers special topics of timely interest. For more detail, refer to the Board's supporting statement (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/about.htm).

  • Percentage Points at Annual Rate, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Q2 1947 to Q2 2024 (Aug 29)

    BEA Account Code: A014RY For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2003 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    Race refers to the reference person's race, where the reference person is the first member mentioned by the respondent when asked to "Start with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents the home." It is with respect to this person that the relationship of the other consumer unit members is determined. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    For each time period represented in the tables, complete income reporters are ranked in ascending order, according to the level of total before-tax income reported by the consumer unit. The ranking is then divided into five equal groups. Incomplete income reporters are not ranked and are shown separately. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1984 to 2022 (2023-09-14)

    For each time period represented in the tables, complete income reporters are ranked in ascending order, according to the level of total before-tax income reported by the consumer unit. The ranking is then divided into five equal groups. Incomplete income reporters are not ranked and are shown separately. A consumer unit comprises either: (1) all members of a particular household who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangements; (2) a person living alone or sharing a household with others or living as a roomer in a private home or lodging house or in permanent living quarters in a hotel or motel, but who is financially independent; or (3) two or more persons living together who use their income to make joint expenditure decisions. Financial independence is determined by the three major expense categories: Housing, food, and other living expenses. To be considered financially independent, at least two of the three major expense categories have to be provided entirely, or in part, by the respondent. For more details about the data or the survey, visit the FAQs (https://www.bls.gov/cex/csxfaqs.htm).

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