Federal Reserve Economic Data

  • Percent of GDP, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1966 to Q3 2024 (Dec 19)

    View the ratio of federal debt to the economic output of the U.S., which can indicate economic health and the sustainability of government borrowing.

  • Percent of GDP, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Q1 1970 to Q3 2024 (Dec 19)

    Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYGFGDQ188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFGDQ188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in October 2012. It is calculated using Federal Debt Held by the Public (FYGFDPUN) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFDPUN) and Gross Domestic Product, 1 Decimal (GDP) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP): FYGFGDQ188S = ((FYGFDPUN/1000)/GDP)*100 FYGFDPUN/1000 transforms FYGFDPUN from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

  • Percent of GDP, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1939 to 2023 (Sep 26)

    Gross Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYPUGDA188S) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYPUGDA188S) was first constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January 2013. It is calculated using Gross Federal Debt (FYGFDPUB) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFDPUB) and Gross Domestic Product (GDPA) (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPA): FYPUGDA188S = (FYGFDPUB/GDPA)*100

  • Billions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1929 to 2023 (Sep 26)

    BEA Account Code: DAITRC For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1980 to 2020 (May 7)

    Amount of public international debt securities (amounts outstanding), as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes and money market instruments placed on international markets. Amount of public international debt securities (amounts outstanding), as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes and money market instruments placed on international markets. Table 12D (international debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. GDP is from World Development Indicators. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.06

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2000 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2009 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1998 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1997 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1980 to 2020 (May 7)

    Amount of public international debt securities (amounts outstanding), as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes and money market instruments placed on international markets. Amount of public international debt securities (amounts outstanding), as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes and money market instruments placed on international markets. Table 12D (international debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. GDP is from World Development Indicators. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.06

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2004 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1998 to 2020 (May 7)

    Amount of public international debt securities (amounts outstanding), as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes and money market instruments placed on international markets. Amount of public international debt securities (amounts outstanding), as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes and money market instruments placed on international markets. Table 12D (international debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. GDP is from World Development Indicators. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.06

  • Index 2017=100, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1929 to 2023 (Sep 26)

    BEA Account Code: DAITRA For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2005 to 2011 (2018-09-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2001 to 2011 (2018-09-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1990 to 2011 (2018-09-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2008 to 2015 (2018-09-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2005 to 2011 (2018-09-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2010 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2002 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2001 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2009 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2005 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1987 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2010 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1995 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2002 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1999 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1994 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2004 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2007 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2005 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1999 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1993 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1995 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1999 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1988 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1989 to 2015 (2017-08-30)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1980 to 2020 (May 7)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1996 to 2011 (2019-10-21)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1990 to 2011 (2017-08-30)

    Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Total amount of domestic public debt securities (amounts outstanding) issued in domestic markets as a share of GDP. It covers long-term bonds and notes, treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term notes. Table 16A (domestic debt amount): governments / GDP. End of year data (i.e. December data) are considered for debt securities. (Bank for International Settlements) Source Code: GFDD.DM.04

  • Billions of Chained 2017 Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 2007 to 2023 (Dec 19)

    BEA Account Code: W646RX For more information about this series, please see http://www.bea.gov/national/.

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