Federal Reserve Economic Data

Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases for Romania (00XFROROM086NEST)

Jan 2016: 100.34
Updated: Feb 25, 2016 11:35 AM CST
Jan 2016:  100.34  
Dec 2015:  101.26  
Nov 2015:  100.95  
Oct 2015:  100.64  
Sep 2015:  100.32  
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Index 2015=100,
Not Seasonally Adjusted


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(a) Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases for Romania, Index 2015=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted (00XFROROM086NEST)

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    Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases for Romania
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    Source: Eurostat  

    Release: Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP)  

    Units:  Index 2015=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted

    Frequency:  Monthly


    The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices category "Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases (00xFROOPP)" is a classification of nondurable goods, semi-durable goods, durable goods, and energy that includes Clothing Materials (03.1.1), Garments (03.1.2), Other Articles of Clothing and Clothing Accessories (03.1.3), Shoes and Other Footwear including Repair and Hire of Footwear (03.2.1/2), Actual Rentals Paid by Tenants including Other Actual Rentals (04.1.1/2), Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.1), Services for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling (04.3.2), Water Supply (04.4.1), Refuse Collection (04.4.2), Sewerage Collection (04.4.3), Other Services Relating to the Dwelling, Not Elsewhere Classified (04.4.4), Electricity (04.5.1), Gas (04.5.2), Liquid Fuels (04.5.3), Solid Fuels (04.5.4), Heat Energy (04.5.5), Furniture and Furnishings (05.1.1), Carpets and Other Floor Coverings (05.1.2), Repair of Furniture, Furnishings, and Floor Coverings (05.1.3), Household Textiles (05.2), Major Household Appliances whether Electric or not and Small Electric Household Appliances (05.3.1/2), Repair of Household Appliances (05.3.3), Glassware, Tableware, and Household Utensils (05.4), Major Tools and Equipment and Small Tools and Miscellaneous Accessories (05.5.1/2), Domestic Services and Household Services (05.6.2), Other Medical Products, Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment (06.1.2/3), Medical and Paramedical Services (06.2.1/3), Dental Services (06.2.2), Hospital Services (06.3), Motor Cars (07.1.1), Motor Cycles, Bicycles, and Animal Drawn Vehicles (07.1.2/3/4), Spare Parts and Accessories for Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.1), Maintenance and Repair of Personal Transport Equipment (07.2.3), Passenger Transport by Air (07.3.3), Passenger Transport by Sea and Inland Waterway (07.3.4), Other Purchased Transport Services (07.3.6), Telephone and Telefax Equipment and Telephone and Telefax Services (08.2/3), Equipment for the Reception, Recording, and Reproduction of Sound and Pictures (09.1.1), Photographic and Cinematographic Equipment and Optical Instruments (09.1.2), Information Processing Equipment (09.1.3), Repair of Audio-Visual, Photographic and Information Processing Equipment (09.1.5), Major Durables for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation including Musical Instruments (09.2.1/2), Maintenance and Repair of Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture (09.2.3), Games, Toys, and Hobbies (09.3.1), Equipment for Sport, Camping, and Open-Air Recreation (09.3.2), Gardens, Plants, and Flowers (09.3.3), Package Holidays (09.6), Pre-Primary and Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary, Tertiary Education, and Education not definable by Level (10.X), Accommodation Services (11.2), Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches (12.3.1), Other Personal Effects (12.3.2), Social Protection (12.4), Insurance connected with the Dwelling (12.5.2), Insurance connected with Health (12.5.3), Insurance connected with Transport (12.5.4), Other Insurance (12.5.5) Other Financial Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.6.2), and Other Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (12.7).

    Information provided in the notes pertaining to Special Aggregates HICP classifications can be found from the source at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/prc_hicp_esms.htm.

    Copyright, European Union, 1995-2016, http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_en.htm#copyright.

    Suggested Citation:

    Eurostat, Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Overall Index Excluding Frequent Out-of-Pocket Purchases for Romania [00XFROROM086NEST], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/00XFROROM086NEST, March 8, 2025.

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