2025-02-06: 4.35 |
Percent |
Beg. of Period
Updated: Feb 6, 2025 2:49 PM CST
2025-02-06: | 4.35 | |
2025-01-23: | 4.35 | |
2025-01-09: | 4.40 | |
2024-12-26: | 4.50 | |
2024-12-12: | 4.60 | |
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Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Release: Seasonal Credit Rate
Units: Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Biweekly, Beg. of Period
Beginning of Period
Seasonal credit is available to help relatively small depository institutions meet regular seasonal needs for funds that arise from a clear pattern of intrayearly movements in their deposits and loans and that cannot be met through special industry lenders. The discount rate on seasonal credit takes into account rates charged by market sources of funds and ordinarily is re-established on the first business day of each two-week reserve maintenance period.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Flexible Rate on Seasonal Credit in Federal Reserve District 8: St. Louis [FLEXSC], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FLEXSC, .
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