Nov 2024: 34,025.8 (+ more) Updated: Dec 12, 2024 2:33 PM CSTNov 2024: | 34,025.8 | |
Oct 2024: | 33,749.5 | |
Sep 2024: | 33,882.5 | |
Aug 2024: | 33,437.6 | |
Jul 2024: | 33,070.0 | |
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Billions of Dollars,Frequency:
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Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Release: Market Value of U.S. Government Debt
Units: Billions of Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
For many uses, market value more accurately represents the debt burden faced by the U.S. government than the par value. The par value of government debt, which is reported by the U.S. Treasury Department, reflects interest rates at the time the debt was issued while the market value is adjusted to reflect market interest rates as of the observed period. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas researchers calculates the market value of U.S. government debt series. For further information visit http://www.dallasfed.org/research/econdata/govdebt.cfm.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Market Value of Gross Federal Debt [MVGFD027MNFRBDAL], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MVGFD027MNFRBDAL, .