2024-09-24: 0.057 | Billions of US Dollars | Daily
Updated: Feb 25, 2025 1:01 PM CST
2024-09-24: | 0.057 | |
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Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Release: Temporary Open Market Operations
Units: Billions of US Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Daily
This series is constructed as the aggregated daily amount value of the RP transactions reported by the New York Fed as part of the Temporary Open Market Operations.
Temporary open market operations involve short-term repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements that are designed to temporarily add or drain reserves available to the banking system and influence day-to-day trading in the federal funds market.
A repurchase agreement (known as repo or RP) is a transaction in which the New York Fed under the authorization and direction of the Federal Open Maker Committee buys a security from an eligible counterparty under an agreement to resell that security in the future. For these transactions, eligible securities are U.S. Treasury instruments, federal agency debt and the mortgage-backed securities issued or fully guaranteed by federal agencies.
Suggested Citation:
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Term Repurchase Agreements: Total Securities Purchased by the Federal Reserve in the Temporary Open Market Operations [RPTMTTLD], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RPTMTTLD, March 8, 2025.
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